Chapter 2

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It was about 9 in the morning, Alastor was in the kitchen making himself breakfast, Charlie was on the couch with Vaggie cuddling, Angel was flirting with Husk at the bar but Lucifer hasn't came out of his room yet.

Alastor wound healed pretty good but it wasn't healed completely but he could function almost normally.

Lucifer was in his room, staring to wake up as he felt extreme pain in his head and immediately held his head with his hand "What the fuck?" He said to himself as he started to get out of the bed and going straight to the bathroom. Lucifer opened a drawer and took some medicine out if it and swallowed it without thinking, put bathrobe on him and just left his room.

Alastor looked at the stairs to see Lucifer who could barely stand in a robe and with messy hair.

Alastor felt his face heating up as he thought that the King looked kinda hot, but he just pushed that thoughts away and went back to making his food.

Lucifer looked at Alastor confused why he acted like that, but just went down to the kitchen to make himself something to eat.

Lucifer opened the fridge and just look through it but didn't really know what he wanted to eat. But then he noticed that Alastor was making bacon with eggs, so he went up to him. "Heeeeeey~." He looked at the King confused. "Umm, hey? I guess." Alastor said, avoiding him. "Could you make me breakfast too, please~?" Lucifer asked because he was to lazy to do it alone. "Um no? Can't you make yourself one?" Alastor said rolling his eyes. "Pretty pleaseeee?" Lucifer wasn't planing to stop begging. "Ugh, fine" Alastor sighed and just gave him his portion. "I'm just going to make myself another one" Lucifer took the plate Alastor gave him and just happly hugged him. "Thank yoooou~" Lucifer winked at him with a smile and sat on the other couch beside Charile and Vaggie.

Alastor felt his face heating up again. 'Why am I feeling like this?! The fuck is wrong with me?!' Alastor thought to himself while making him another portion of the breakfast. But he calmed down and went to his room with his food on the plate.

Alastor sat alone in his room eating breakfast still thinking about the King. Why is he so weak and feel butterflies in his stomach when Lucifer was just teasing him. But his smile, his hair, the way he is , just everything seemed different this time. Alastor couldn't help but start to think that he liked the King more than he was suposted to. Lucifer didn't care, he didn't see any signs or he hasn't change his opinion about the Radio demon. But Alastor knew, he knew that Lucifer hated him like he did before.

Then Alastor had an idea, to make Lucifer fall for him, but he exactly know that it will be hard but he had hope.


Alastor got dressed, took his cane and got back down to the others. He saw Charlie and greated her, she saw Alastor and went up to him. "Alastor! Are you going to do trust exercises with us?" Charlie said happily, hoping that Alastor will agree. "Charlie, you know that I'm not into things like this." He replied. "Pleeeeeese? Only for today!" She said, still begging. "Ugh, but only for today" "Yay!" Charlie replied almost jumping from excitement.

Charlie then asked everyone to come to her, and started explaining what the plan was for today activities. "Okey! Today we will be dancing!" When Alastor herd that, he immediately regretted that he agreed to do this. "But... We won't be picking our partner, I'm going to do this!" Charlie said giggling. "Wait, what?" Alastor said, looking at Charlie with begging look not to do this. "Yes! And I don't want to hear another word"

Alastor held his head with his hand, thinking what has he done agreeing to this. "Okay then, Vaggie is with Niffty, Angel with Husk and Alastor with Lucifer" Charlie said with a smirk "Wait a fucking second!" Lucifer shouted, going straight to her. "I'm not dancing with that freak!" He said to her almost screaming. "You have no other choice~." Charlie said, chuckling. "Are you scared that you won't be able to keep up with me, Lucifer~?" Alastor said teasingly. Lucifer looked at him, not knowing what to do. "No? Why would i think like that?" The King said, not sure if that was good answer. Alastor went up to him and held out his hand, waiting for Lucifer to take it. "Then, let's give it a try~?" The Radio demon asked with a smirk.

Lucifer rolled his eyes, and just placed his hand on Alastor's. He immediately was pulled closer to him and looked in Alastor's eyes, as they were waiting for the music to start.

Alastor had one of his hands on Lucifer's hip and with the other, he held King's hand. And Lucifer had one of his hands on Alastor's shoulder. Lucifer was still looking in Demon's eyes as he felt his face heating up, because how close their bodies were. "Are you going to stop looking at me like that~?" Alastor said as he looked back at Lucifer, smirking. The King felt his face getting more, and more hot so he looked away from him feeling embarrassed. Alastor just chuckled because of him and just waited for Charlie to play some music.

Hi! I hope you enjoyed the chapter and again if you see any spelling mistakes just say so!

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