Chapter 9: The Stealing Kitty Part 2

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Spider-man was swinging while holding Zatanna in his arms, still looking for Black Cat

"One woman in a latex outfit with white hair. How hard can it be to find such a person?" Spider-man asked himself

"Don't stress yourself Pete" Zatanna told him, as she got used to the swinging

Spider-man felt a big amount of comfort coming from Zatanna, making him feel less worried

"Thank you" Spider-man said

"For?" Zatanna asked, making Spider-man chuckle a bit

"There!" Spider-man said spotting Black Cat on a roof

"Well get us down there" Zatanna sai

Spider-man landed on the roof and let Zatanna go

"Stop right there!" Both said in the exact same time

"Why should a kitty stop for a bug and a witch?" Black Cat said

"I'm not Bug!" Spider-man said

"And i'm not a witch. i'm a mage. Get it right" Zatanna seemed offended, causing Spider-man to keep it in mind to ask her later

"Whatever. Why can't you two just let me be?" Black Cat asked

"You're a criminal, you need to be put in prison" Spider-man said, knowing he needs to get ready to fight

"You gotta catch me first" Black Cat said as she took off

"What are you waiting for? Catch her" Zatanna said to Spider-man

"Fine. I'll be back" Spider-man said chasing after Black Cat

Both are running with Black Cat being infront of Spider-man, but she noticed that he's catching up to her

"Will you not be harsh if i stop?" Black Cat asked

"Not at all" Spider-man said, not even being out of breath for the fact that he was running for 2 miles

"How are you not out of breath?" Black Cat sounded worried as she was starting to get out of breath

"I'm just not" Spider-man said, catching up even more

He jumped at Black Cat, Tackling her, nearly falling off the roof

"The Spider always catches his prey" Spider-man said to Black Cat

"What are you going to do?" Black Cat got worried "You aren't going to web me up and use your fangs to suck my blood out?" She asked

"What? Lady that white hair definently made you crazy" Spider-man said, webbing Black Cat up and placing her over his shoulder

He began to swing back to Zatanna

"Please let me go, i promise to be a good kitty" Black Cat said

"You won't be" Spider-man told Black Cat, knowing she just wants Spider-man to be sympathetic with her

"Pretty Please" Black Cat said

"Stop arguing. Prison is our next stop" Spider-man said as he saw the building on which Zatanna was waiting

He landed infront of Zatanna

"Took you long enough" Zatanna said, trying to tease Spider-man

"Yeah i know. What were you doing here, besides waiting?" Spider-man asked Zatanna

"Nothing, just learned a few more spells" Zatanna replied

"Oh, well that must have been fun, i guess" Spider-man said "Well, lets get this cat back to the police" he added

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