Chapter 2: The Test

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The figure stood there, having a rather intimidating aura

Spider-man was still speechless but finally got "You're Batman" out, not knowing if this is a dream come true

"And you are in a lot of trouble" Batman said having a much angrier voice than what Spider-man could imagine "What do you think will happen once Tombstone and Hammerhead find out what you did?" Batman asked, it was visible that he was angry at Spider-man, for making that deal between Tombstone gang and Hammerheads mafia not happen

"What's the worst that could happen?" Spider-man asked, clearly confused

"Tombstones gang is all around New York, so is Hammerheads mafia. So you tell me what the worst thing that could happen is" Batman said showing his anger growing

"I-i didn't know... i'm still very new to this" Spider-man said, embaressed and showing that he regretted stopping the deal now

"You fight good... but you might not even be ready" Batman said, somewhat understanding him

"Not ready for wha..." Spider-man dodged a punch thrown by Batman "Why are you attacking me?" Spider-man was really confused by the sudden punch

"Stop talking and fight back, show me what you got" Batman said raising his fists, standing in a boxing pose, ready to fight Spider-man

"I'm not going to Fight you back" Spider-man said, dodging and blocking blows comming from Batman

Batman used one of his punches as a cover to take a smoke bomb out of his utility belt, he then threw the smoke bomb on the ground making a big smoke cloud engolve both heros

"Why are you doing this?" Spider-man asked, suddenly he dodged a punch thrown from behind him, he grabbed Batmans arm and threw Batman over his shoulder only for Batman to Somersault

"That was good. How did you know i was about to punch you from behind?" Batman was amazed but also confused by how Spider-man was able to dodge his punch

"I sensed it with my spider-sense. It alerted me of your punch" Spider-man answered knowing that Batman may be more experianced, but the spider-sense is a bigger tool which helped Spider-man a lot

Spider-man dodged a few Batarangs Batman threw at him so suddenly that a normal guy would get hit by them "Come on. Stop it, i don't want to hurt you" Spider-man said with a more serious voice

"Fine then" Batman threw one Batarang infront of Spider-mans feet "You mis..." Spider-man got hit by the explosion made by Batmans explosive Batarang

"You aren't focused, you talk too much and don't even listen to your spider-sense" Batman said, making it sound like he gave Spider-man advice

Spider-man decieded to listen to Batman and got ready to fight back

"Good, now stop blocking and dodging, start punching back too" Batman said giving Spider-man even more advice

Spider-man suddenly shot two webs at Batman, pulling him closer and going into a close range fight

Batman block and counterd Spider-mans punches, even hitting Spider-man with a few kicks too

Spider-man was getting annoyed by how much better Batman was, while not even having any superpowers

Batman grabbed Spider-mans arm and threw him over his shoulder making Spider-man land on his back

Spider-man grunted and stood up, as Spider-man got ready to shoot another web at Batman, he noticed that nothing came out of his web shooters "Not now" Spider-mans web shooters were empty, making him have to fight with his fists only

Batman continued to counter and land punches on Spider-man, but then Spider-man managed to get a punch on Batman, making Batman take a step back

"That was good, but to win you have to be better" Batman said, showing Spider-man that he wanted to see how Spider-man fights normal bad guys

"Fine then" Spider-man said, sounding angry and annoyed, He started to hit Batman more and even kicking a few times

Batman trying to keep up, but it's starting to be too much, so he uses his smoke bomb again

"Thats not fair" Spider-man said and got ready to dodge and even counter Batmans next attack

Spider-man waited and closed his eyes, concentrated on his spider-sense, suddenly he caught Batman off guard and threw him over his shoulder again

Batman tried somersaulting but this throw had a bit more power behind it, making Batman land on the floor for the first time during this whole fight

"Now stay down and stop attacking me" Spider-man said being angry

Suddenly Batman did a sweapkick managing to make Spider-man fall down

"You seem to be ready, ofcours you need training and patients" Batman said, standing up and being impressed by how good Spider-man was

"Ready for what?" Spider-man was still confused, as to why Batman attacked him and said he wasn't ready

Batman helped Spider-man up "This was a test for something big and you passed it. Consider yourself lucky that my Teammates wanted me to test you out"

"For what? Can you please just tell me why you tested me?" Spider-man said still confused

"I'll contact you, till then train a bit on your fighting and like i said, you have to stay a bit more focused on your spider-sense" Batman said getting ready to leave

Spider-man was annoyed that Batman didn't tell him why, but he suddenly wanted something from Batman "Could you atleast say it once?"

"I'm Batman" Batman said and disappeared into the shadows

Spider-man was happy to hear it in person, but remembered that it's really late and that he has to get home fast

"Let me change these cartridges and head home" Spider-man talked to himself, while changing the web cartridges in his web shooters

Spider-man started to swing back home. Meanwhile Batman was in his jet flying to the Batcave, while talking with the Justice League "He's good, but he needs more training and to focuse in his fights" Batman said

"Give him a bit of time, not even Robin learned everything in a day" Superman replied happy that Batman went to test Spider-man in a fight

"Given the amount of time he's been a hero, he is pretty good, but he has managed to get Tombstones and Hammerheads attention by stopping a deal" Batman said

"Well every hero needs a villian to fight, in his case it will be the first two villians" Superman said, sounding worried that Spider-man might have made a very big mistake

Batman finally arrives at the Batcave "I told him i'll stay in touch, but first i have to find out who the kid is" Batman said

"Let me guess, you'll take about 30 minutes and you'll have all his information" Superman guessed

Batman just hangs up and tells Alfred to call Robin

During that Batman changes into some sweatpants and a white tank top

Robin gets outside as Alfred brought him there, just so he catches a Basketball "What's this?" Robin asked

"Training, hand eye cooridination" Batman replied

"One on one?" Robin asked, smiling a bit

"If you think you can handle it" Batman replied,  having a smirk on his face

Meanwhile Spider-man got home and went to lay in his bed after having changed clothes

"Oh man, i fought Batman" Spider-man said to himself quietly, still thinking about the fight with Batman

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