Chapter 4: The Decision

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Peter has returned to his home after having brought Electro to RAFT, as he was walking to his home in his regular clothes, he saw an expensive car parked infront of his aunts house

"May i'm home" Peter said

"Hey Peter, don't you want to greet our guest too?" Aunt May said

"Who's our gue..." Peter was speechless, seeing Bruce Wayne sitting there

"Hello, Mr Parker i presume" Bruce said, being very friendly and having a smile on his face

"Mr Parker was my Uncle, call me Peter" Peter quickly replied

"I heard about it, sorry about your lose" Bruce said in an apologetic voice

"It's okay now. I-We got over his passing" Peter said

"Mrs Parker, could i talk with your nephew alone?" Bruce asked as he looked at May

"Yes ofcours." May said, then turned to Peter and added "Incase Mr Wayne wants something, be kind and just tell me"

"No May. I can bring him anything" Peter replied, seeing his aunt walk to her room

"So, does she know?" Bruce asked Peter, as soon as May left them alone

"Know what?" Peter asked

"That you're Spider-man" Bruce quickly replied seemingly having turned serious

"Me? Spider-man? Not even in a hundred years could i be Spider-man" Peter said, being nervous but hidding it well

"There is no reason to hide it kid. I found out who you are" Bruce said

"Is this some joke? I mean no offense, i like being compared to Spider-man but, i can tell you that i'm not Spider-man" Peter said having a bit of panic in his voice

"Fine kid, play this game of hide and seek but, just to know. Will you join the team or do you still need time?" Bruce said having a much more serious tone then before

"And how do i know that you're just trying to prank me?" Peter asked

"Because i am Batman" Bruce said in his iconic Batman voice

"Wait. You even know where i live? How?" Peter asked being a bit protective about his aunt

"It's okay kid. I'm not here to show you, that i could attack you anytime or anything. I am here to hear your decision" Bruce told Peter, still waiting for the answer

"How many members are in your little team?" Peter asked, showing his curiousity winning

"Just seven and you have meet two of them" Bruce replied, answering Peters question

"So Robin and Kid Flash are two of the seven members. Who are the rest?" Peter asked

"Want me to introduce them or do you want to go there to meet them?" Bruce asked, wanting to know if Peter would go ahead and just straight up Join the team

"How long is it from here?" Peter asked

"In the Batjet. About 5 minutes but, there are the teleportation devices all around the world called Zeta tubes. There is one located here in New York" Bruce told Peter

"I gotta asked my Aunt May if i can just leave for a bit" Peter said

"I got that covered. You just tell her that you decided to come with me" Bruce said

"What did you tell her?" Peter said, sounding offensive

"Don't worry. She doesn't know that you're Spider-man, she only knows that you could potentinaly work for me" Bruce said

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