Chapter 1: The Adventure Begins

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It's a normal night in New York, as usual the sounds of massive crowds talking and walking, the Car horns and the Cop car sirens are heared, as a car chase was going on

"Slow down, idiot! You're going to get us killed!" was yelled from a masked Robber to his masked Getaway Driver, who was driving really fast and not safely

"What if He appears? I don't want to get beat up and put in prison!" Yelled the Getaway Driver back, seemingly frightened to get caught

"He's a myth! Created to frighten idiots like you!" Was yelled from the annoyed Robber who thought of it being a myth created to scare off Criminals, like them

Suddenly they heared a loud thud on the car roof, seeing what created it crawl onto the car hood

"HE'S REAL! I TOLD YOU HE'S REAL! IT'S SPIDER-MAN!" was yelled out in a frightend tome by the Getaway Driver

"Yeah i am real. Anyway are you two ready to go into pri.." Spider-mans spider sense went off, as he jumped back onto the roof of the car, seeing the Robber pull a gun on him

The Robber emptied the magazin of the gun at the windshield, shattering it "WHERE'D HE GO?!" asked the worried Robber

Suddenly the passenger door was yanked open with the Robber tossed out, landing on cleverly placed webbing "Here i am" said Spider-man before crawling into the passenger seat "Nice Ride... could you pull over, i don't like fast driving" Spider-man said as a way to tell the Getaway Driver to just stop the car before the same thing happens to him

The Police finally get to the Car, seeing the Getaway Driver Webbed up "So he caught you and your partner. Was it worth the trouble?" asked Captain George Stacy

Meanwhile Spider-man is still swinging through the city making sure to keep it safe from further Robberies

"It's so quiet tonight... Did something happen yesterday?" Spider-man talked to himself seinging through the city "Maybe the Avengers did something?"

Meanwhile at the Watchtower the Justice League are discussing about potential members for the Young Justice team

"What about that new hero in New York... What was his name again?" The Flash said and asked, forgetting the Heros name

"Spider-man? No chance" Batman answered in his cold voice

"Why not Bruce? He could be a great teammate for the others" Superman said, wanting to know why Batman wasn't considering Spider-man a potential member

"Do you know anything about him Clark? What if he brings more danger to the team?" Batman replied in his cold voice, seeing Spider-man as unworthy to join the team

"You do have a point, but you let Robin join and he's just 13 years old. You brought him to the world of superheros" Superman replied, giving Batman a good point

"He was trained, taught to handle those situations. What about Spider-man? We don't know anything about him, do we? He could be some hero, who can't handle those situations" Batman replied also giving a good point

"Fine, but lets give him a chance. You look up about him and try to see how he handles in some situations" Superman being determand to give Spider-man a chance

Meanwhile in New York

Spider-man has found what looks to be a guns deal in progress "Lets see if it's actually a guns deal" Spider-man talked to himself wondering what kind of deal is going on

"You got the Money?" asked a fancy dressed man

"Did you bring the guns?" asked another man dressed fairly normal

"Ofcourse. First the money then the guns" the fancy dressed man threatend, as he got impationed

Spider-man jumped down kicking both dealers back to their bodyguards "Hey guys, sorry i'm late for the meeting"

The dealers look at Spider-man and the 4 guys pull their guns out and point at Spider-man "You shouldn't be messing in a deal between Hammerhead and Tombstone"

"Hammerhead and Tombstone? Those are some funny names for 2 guys" Spider-man quipped not knowing who either of those guys are

"You'll find out if you survive" The 4 cock their guns, ready to shoot at Spider-man, only to get their guns taken away by Spider-mans webbing

"Now lets keep it a fist fight only" Spider-man said after having taken their guns away, using his webs

One of the bodyguards takes a switch blade out of his pocket "You talk too much. Let make you shut up"
The bodyguard swings the knife at Spider-man

Spider-man dodges and lands a good punch at the bodyguards side, making the bodyguard take a deep breath due to the pain "Sorry was that to hard?" Spider-man asked

"SHUT UP!" The bodyguard swings again, only for the switch blade to be hit out of his hand by Spider-man

"That just not co..." Spider-man said before getting grabbed from behind by the second bodyguard as the dealers flee

"I got him" the second bodyguard said as the first bodyguard punch Spider-man once, before Spider-man countered with a kick to the bodyguards belly, sending him back

Spider-man tries to break out of the second bodyguards grip, the other bodyguard gets back and is about to punch Spider-man, but gets kick straight into his face by Spider-man

"That might leave a mark" Spider-man says and stomps on the second bodyguard holding him right on his foot, getting released from his grip "Now who's Bodyguards are you?"

"I'm Tombstones Bodyguard. I was sent with his dealer to buy guns, until you showed up. I'll tell you one thing. Once Tombstone hears about this, just hope he takes these new in a good way" said the bodyguard who held Spider-man

"I'm Hammerheads Bodyguard... i can tell you, you messed up pretty badly, getting involved into this deal" Said the bodyguard who punched Spider-man a few moments ago

Spider-man leaps and kicks Hammerheads bodyguard before punching Tombstones bodyguard straight in the face "For Bodyguards... i gotta admit, you both suck at this job" Spider-man said tauntingly

Meanwhile Batman who was on a Roof watching this fight, having used his Jet to get there to see if Spider-man should be considered as a potential member of the Young Justice team

"He does have good punches and kicks, but can he defeat two big guys alone?" Batman talked to himself wondering if Spider-man could win this fight

Back to the fight

Spider-man continues to throw punches and kicks at the bodyguards "You guys do know how to take punches and kicks, but lets see if a punch with more force can take you both down" Spider-man said, as he got ready to use a bit more of his strength to take them down

"Oh please... you couldn't even hur..." Hammerheads bodyguard wanted to finish the sentance, but got knocked out by Spider-mans punch

"Look at that, a bit more force can knock you out" Spider-man said getting ready to defeat Tombstones bodyguard "Let's finish this, big boy" Spider-man said in a bit of a cold voice, seemingly annoyed by how long he's been out in the city

"I'm not scared of you. You're dressed in some red and blue Pajamas, thinking you'll scare some cri..." he gets knocked out by Spider-man using one punch

"You talk too much, even Wade doesn't talk that much" Spider-man said as he webbed the bodyguards up, getting ready to leave after hearing the Sirens in the distance

"Such an annoying fight" Spider-man said while being on a Roof

"You're good kid, but how good are you really?" A cold voice said, coming from behind Spider-man

Spider-man turned around seeing the figure, making him get shocked "You-You-You are..."Spider-man tried to speak but was speechles

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