Chapter 3: The Electric Encounter

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It's been 4 days since the battle between Spider-man and Batman

Spider-man was finished with the school day and managed to change into his suit in an alley, swinging around the City

"Finally, a day where i think i could relax and just swing around" Spider-man said, being a bit tired from school

Suddenly Spider-man heard sirens and started to swing towards their direction, during his swinging he spoke to himself "What could it be? A Robbery? Maybe a Car chase or..." as he arrived he saw what it was

"WHERE IS SPIDER-MAN?!" A guy dressed in green and yellow shouted out

"I'm here? Sorry that amount of electrostatic energy is pretty amazing" Spider-man said being pretty amazed be the amount of yellow electricity

Suddenly the electroatatic energy hit Spider-man, sending him on his back

"That was pretty... shocking" Spider-man quipped while he was in pain "Who even are you?" Spider-man asked

"Call me... Electro" Electro said, while getting ready to hit Spider-man with a electrostatic energy again

Suddenly a Batarang had hit Electro, making him even angrier

"WHO DARES TO THRO..." another Batarang hits Electro

"I dare" Robin said with a smile on his face

"Is that Robin or did i get hit that hard by that electrostatic energy?" Spider-man asked confused about the sudden appearance of Robin

"Is that Spider-man?" Asked a excited Kid Flash, running to Spider-man and helping him up

"Yeah i'm Spider-man, you are...?" Spider-man replied to Kid Flash

"Kid Flash" Kid Flash replied being happy to meet Spider-man in person

"Are you a fan by any chance or why are you so excited?" Spider-man asked, being curious about Kid Flashes excitmen, meanwhile Robin is fighting with Electro

"A little help would be nice" Robin said, trying to get help from the two

"Right" Kid Flash speed off and managed to hit Electro pretty hard

Spider-man did a kip up and is watching in amazement, but then dodged an electrostatic engery blast coming from Electro

"Whoa..." Robin said as he how fast Spider-man reacted just to dodge one of Electros electrostatic energy blasts, making him understand that if he got hit by one, he might die

"Guys if i get hit i..." Robin started but got cut off by Spider-man

"You could die" Spider-man finished Robins sentance

Hearing this Electros attention shifted to Robin "You want to find out, if i could kill you?" Electro said in a grim voice

Spider-man leaped infront of Robin, taking the electrostatic energy blast right in the chest

"SPIDER-MAN!" Both Robin and Kid Flash yelled out, seeing how Spider-man got knocked back pretty far

They then turn around to see Electro isn't there anymore

"Spider-man are you okay?" Kid Flash asked worried

"So... much... pain" Spider-man said jolting a few times, due to the strength of the electrostatic energy blast

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