Chappy 5: 'Somethin in that nothin

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


I'd gotten used to waking up in an empty
bed, and learnt to expect the coldness of being alone as if it were a blanket wrapped around me with each sunrise.

Today, it was different. When I opened my eyes, my heart almost stopped when I realised no one was beside me.

I tried to breathe when panic captured me, forcing myself to sit still, and not run across the ship and search for a woman who does not want to be found.

She could not have left again...could she? I mean, where would she go?

We're in the middle of the ocean, and the crew would have definitely alerted me if she stole a ship.


"Gods ya squiffy," I buried my face in my palms. Why did I care?

On the other hook, how could I not care? My ex-fiancé happened to be the wisest, bravest and most fearsome pirate to sail the seas....besides me of course.

I will forever be in awe of her. I'd known her my whole life and was still dumbstruck at her brilliance. She was the one who built half this fleet. Who made sure we kept our heads attached to our bodies?

She was everything that made me, me.

And by Thunder! I should hate her for it!

I can't...I thought I did. I truly thought I could live my life without her.

I'm not going to relive history. It practically killed me when she left the first time, without notice or warning. I couldn't eat or sleep for weeks, I barely spoke. Heck, I barely lived.

Fate seemed to have other plans though. Somehow, we were together now. I still have no idea how. Our ships were going in the opposite directions.

Need to remind myself never to let Leo navigate again.

I threw on my suit, adjusting the lapels of my coat. I'm not sure what the time is right now, but the light sunshine outside means it's probably a few hours past dawn.

I wanted to check the crow's nest first, but my feet had other plans.

They led me straight towards a certain blonde. She stood by the help, a frown etched upon her face as she limped around, holding the railing.

She tried to use her spyglass.

I watched as she flinched as she let go of the railing, trying to adjust the lens. Then, grab onto the railing when her ankle protested, cursing at her spyglass.

It was comical.

I watched for a few more minutes before I decided to intervene. I was a gentle pirate, of course.

"Do you need help?" I called out, stalking towards her.

"I'm swell," Annabeth replied, turning away from me. She clutched onto the railing, steadying herself against the moving ship.

Swashbucklers ~• A Percabeth Fanfiction•~حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن