Name: Selene

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Name: Selene

Age: 450

Birthday: December 12th

Gender: female

Dragon Sibling: Zadaya

Parents: Mirol, Serenate

Siblings: Kovi's and Kayla's dad, Naepha

Job: Officer

Extra Info: She is the one that took in Kovi and Kayla when their parents had passed, raising them with the rest of their siblings. That being said, being raised by their aunt gave them a very strong sense of what is right and wrong because it seems like Selene can sniff out who is guilty and who isn't.

 That being said, being raised by their aunt gave them a very strong sense of what is right and wrong because it seems like Selene can sniff out who is guilty and who isn't

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Name: Zadaya

Age: 450

Birthday: December 12

Gender: male

Eliatrope Sibling: Selene

Parents: Mriol, Serenate

Siblings: Kovi's and Kayla's dad, Naepha

Job: Officer

Extra Info: Takes his job very seriously and is captain of the tribe's police force...which only consists of himself, his sister, and three others.

which only consists of himself, his sister, and three others

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