A Tense Truce.

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There were a million things running through Chris’ head as he kept his gun pointed at Leon. All the memories of Claire telling him about the Raccoon City incident, about the rookie cop that had helped her escape with Sherry and protected them when William Birkin became the mutated monster he had due to the G-Virus.

Chris’ head was swimming practically. How could this be the same person? What had happened to him? The only way that Chris could verify Leon’s story was to call Claire, but Chris wasn’t sure if he needed to.

Nobody else could have known about Claire being in Raccoon than the sole survivors (Leon, Sherry, and Claire herself) since everyone else in Raccoon had been killed.

Leon was staring at Chris with a hardened expression, glancing at you as you began to get weary from the bloodloss, and Chris asked Leon.

“Let me ask you one thing: What the hell happened to you?”

Leon took a deep breath before explaining.

“In the beginning of the year, I took a mission given to me from President Graham himself to rescue his daughter from Spain from a bioterrorist group called Los Illuminados. While I was there, I was infected with las plagas, a parasite that attaches itself to the central nervous system to control the host.”

Leon glanced down at his feet, murmuring.

“While I was able to get Ashley’s plagas out of her body, my procedure wasn’t successful. The machine that was used to kill off the plagas broke down after Ashley was cured. Luis Sera, a biologist that had been working with Los Illuminados and later betrayed them, gave me pills to help suppress the plagas. When I returned to the states, the health department found the plagas while doing their routine health screening. I was taken into captivity and experimented on…so much that I learned to control my plagas and became the US Government’s secret bioweapon.”

Chris glanced down at you as you slowly began to go limp in his arm, and he almost cursed. So, what you said about Wilson…it could very well be true. Even though it had nothing to do with the BSAA, Chris couldn’t help but wonder if that was why he was given this mission by the director himself.

Was it possible that Clive was getting paid out by Wilson for the capture of Leon Kennedy? Chris was ripped from his thoughts by Leon’s voice.

“Chris, please let me help (Y/n). She’s losing too much blood, and I can hear her heartbeat getting slower. We need to get her to safety and take care of her wounds.”

Leon’s voice was calm, but Chris could see the panic in Leon’s eyes as you went completely limp. Chris glanced down at you, and he became torn. Could he risk it? Could he really risk going against orders?

Claire would never forgive him if he hurt Leon or an innocent person simply caught in the fray because their heart was directly on their sleeve.

Chris holstered his gun, hissing as he picked you up bridal style.

“You have way more explaining to do, Leon. I’m only doing this to help her right now, not you.”

Leon nodded, and he was quick to lead Chris back to the truck. Wrapping you up in a blanket, Chris almost felt bad that your lips had gone blue. There was blood stained from your nose down over your mouth and chin, and Chris actually felt regret fill him.

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