First Meetings.

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A/n: This is being crossposted from my tumblr! This takes place after Resident Evil 4 but right before Infinite Darkness! <3

It was so goddamn cold.

His fingers were practically frozen, face numb and legs slow and sluggish as they moved; practically in the same state as his fingers: blue and frozen with frostbite as they slid through knee-deep snow.

As Leon traversed through the snowy mountains that he had been hiding in, he held his arms to his freezing body, teeth chattering as he shivered and pitifully trekked through the blizzard that was hitting through the landscape. Leon had no idea where he was or where he was going, the snow too thick for him to see through, but he knew he was going up by the way the air became slightly harder to breathe and the subtle incline the land had.

Ice was sticking to his face and body, and Leon was sure that if he didn’t get to shelter soon, he was going to freeze and get buried beneath the snow. Though, it wasn’t exactly what Leon was worrying about the most.

The man couldn’t die unless the Plagas in his body did, but the US wasn’t going to risk paralyzing a good agent or killing him completely.

Really, the most that would most likely happen would that his body would go into a hibernation state like the Plagas did, awaiting until the winter season was over so that his body could thaw and heal during the spring, but Leon hated having to regenerate body parts.

It was time-consuming and painful (depending on the area, of course) and Leon groaned softly as he fell over onto the ground, immediately starting to get covered in snow. Leon’s body was in too much pain from freezing and from the broken pincers on his back and forearms, and there was a thought within his mind that wondered if he deserved this.

Did Leon deserve being retrieved by the US and experimented on after his mission to Spain to save the President’s daughter? Did he deserve to be poked and prodded at like he was an animal in a cage with needles and scalpels and saws as they took sample after sample from him? Did Leon deserve to get repeatedly tested on to see what his weaknesses were so they would know how to kill him if he got out-of-line?

Leon didn’t want to be a secret bioweapon for the US, but that’s all they were doing when he was in confinement. They could paint him a treasonous weapon all they wanted, but Leon wasn’t keen on going back into the clutches of the US just to be used-and-abused worse than what they did to him in the DSO.

There was a moment of peace that came over Leon’s mind the more buried beneath the snow he became as he listened to the sound of the wind blow. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to hide beneath the snow, buried and frozen for a while. He could definitely catch up on some sleep…the pain in his spine and arms would go away…and he’d finally get to stop running from the government that was hellbent on finding him.

Leon was exhausted, mentally and physically, and really, he just desired to sleep. Was it him or the Plagas implanting that thought, Leon wasn’t really sure, but he did know that he agreed. Leon sighed as music began to softly play, soothing his mind when suddenly, he realized it wasn’t music.

It was a voice.

“Oh god, please don’t be dead.”

It was female, sounding distressed as a sudden warmth came over his body. However, even though alarm bells were running through his mind, Leon was too tired to keep himself awake and succumbed to the darkness that was kissing at his mind.

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