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context: This is a Dior Goojohn image


Today was your best friend Zoey's birthday and she was throwing a small sleepover with her friends and of course you were invited

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Today was your best friend Zoey's birthday and she was throwing a small sleepover with her friends and of course you were invited. Right now your girlfriend Dior was at the studio, she knew you were going to Zoey's birthday so she said bye to you earlier.

You drive down to your best friend's house dressed in a black tube top and a denim skirt with black pumps.

Party's weren't really your thing but Zoey said it would be a small sleepover thing. You ring the doorbell and a few moments later Zoey opens it and pulls you into her arms hugging you tightly. You smile " Happy birthday bestie! Here you go " you hand her the gift you go her.

Zoey smiles and kisses your cheek " Thanks babes! Come in everyone is already here " she tells you pulling you inside her house.

Soon enough Zoey introduced you to a few of her friends, Lola, Sophia, Gabby and Melanie. You smile at all of them and you all sit on the couch and start watching Zoey's favorite movie, ' Guardian's of the Galaxy ' . You sit down eating pizza while Zoey lays her head in your lap. Little did you know what Zoey had in store for later in the evening.

You and Zoey were close friends but since you were acting in TV shows and movies you don't get to hangout a lot with each other. Zoey changed a lot she didn't do as good in school but she still passed all her classes. She did start doing things other teenagers did like smoke and drink but you had no idea about that part.

Zoey's mom comes in and kisses Zoey's forehead " Girls do you wanna come sing happy birthday and eat the cake? " she asks everyone.

All the girls go into the kitchen and start singing to Zoey " Happy birthday to you~ happy birthday to Zoey ~ happy birthday to Zoey~ Happy birthday " you all sing and call for the girl as she blows out seventeen candles.

You sit next to Zoey and shove her face into the cake laughing " You bitch " Zoey squeals and grabs a piece of cake shoving it in your face.

You wipe it off and eat it " Delicious " you tell her laughing. Zoey's mom rolls her eyes and starts cutting the cake for everyone.

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Now it's around nine pm you're all sitting in Zoey's room. Gabby goes into her bag and pulls out a bottle of vodka " Who ready to have some real fun? " she asks.

You furrow your brows you haven't drank before and you had no idea Zoey did either " You drink? Since when? " you ask your best friend.

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