Clarisse and Aurora Head Cannons

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( this picture has a hold over me )

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( this picture has a hold over me )

There the definition of opposites attract

When they first got together everyone was shocked the beautiful, sweet, shy Aurora the daughter of Aphrodite dating the tall strong gorgeous Clarisse the daughter of Ares

Aurora is golden retriever and Clarisse is black cat there the definition of them

Whether its in capture the flag or just strolling around the campgrounds Clarisse is very protective of Aurora

Clarisse can listen to Aurora talk for hours, she was gifted with a beautiful silky voice from her mother

Clarisse loves to show off especially if Aurora is watching, she also loved to show off her girlfriend

Aurora isn't too big on PDA because she gets embarrassed and blushes so easily but Clarisse loves it

Clarisse isn't a talk about her feeling type of person but Aurora best believe will always comfort the girl even if she doesn't know what if wrong

Aurora might be shy and quiet sometimes but best believe if someone if talking bad about Clarisse she will get up and yell at them not caring for her consequences

Clarisse's love language is Physical touch, Acts of service and Quality time

Aurora's love language is Words of Affirmation and Physical touch

Clarisse is always calling Aurora a nickname never saying her real name unless it is serious

Aurora calls Clarisse, Risse, Clari, gorgeous

Due to Aurora being Clarisse's girlfriend the Ares kids are protective of her, like her guard dogs

Aurora and Clarisse are always sleeping in each others cabins, Chiron usually turning a blind eye

Chiron turns a blind eye to the couple because Aurora is the reason Clarisse doesn't beat people up, she still does just less than before Aurora and her started dating

Her tone changes whenever Aurora is around, the girl is seriously bipolar one minute she's threatening someone the next she's cradling your head and calling you her princess

Clarisse isn't going to pretend she isn't in love with Aurora she's proud of it

Aurora will beg Clarisse to do her hair or makeup or style her I mean she's the daughter of Aphrodite what did you expect

The second Aurora flashes her puppy, doe eyes at Clarisse the girl can't say no, no matter how bad she wants too

Aurora has the most powerful charmspeak out of all her siblings so Clarisse always has her guarding the flag in the game but that doesn't mean she doesn't get her siblings to sit with Aurora as her own personal bodyguards

Clarisse loves holding Aurora it gives her peace in mind knowing her girl is safe in her arms

When they argue there always making up in a few hours there arguments never last because they never argue over anything serious

☆   When they argue there always making up in a few hours there arguments never last because they never argue over anything serious

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