Soulmates #3

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context: Y/n, Clarisse and Luke get into a fight and the entire camp is scared.

Y/n POV:
Apparently Luke and Clarisse don't trust me enough to protect myself. It's annoying and I can't deal with it over and over there way too overprotective. We gone to a whole argument today because I was at sword practice and they didn't trust me around the other cabin. I can't believe they don't trust me enough to go to practice by myself I can't do this it's so annoying. We're all sitting my cabin in silence because we don't know what to say.

" I cant do this anymore " I tell them both and they look up at me confused " what are you talking about y/n " Luke asks. I look at him then back at Clarisse " this overwhelming overprotective bullshit it's driving me insane it's like I'm trapped I need to be alone for a bit please " I tell them. Clarisse says " you need a break from us is that what you're saying " I nod and walk out my cabin.

I go over to my half siblings and Silena hugs me asking what happened. I tell her the whole story and listen " they can't keep you in a bubble forever y/n you did the right thing they need to learn " she tells me. I sit with my siblings for a while and we all make bracelets my little sister Kitty give me one and I kiss her forehead. We hangout for a few hours just talking and hanging out. I decide I'm going back to my cabin and go to sleep early tonight.

I shower and wash my hair and scrub my body trying to push Clarisse and Luke out of my mind. I lay down and slowly fall asleep and I start having a weird dream.

I'm walking around a beautiful mansion and I turn and see the most beautiful woman ever it's Aphrodite my mother she grabs my cheeks and looks at me " my beautiful baby " she says I smile at her she looks at me and hands me a beautiful bracelet it's gold and it has a sword charm and a dagger charm and a beautiful pink stone it's rose quartz. She puts it on my wrist " to protect your self your soulmates must trust you my child " I nod and thank her. She kissed my forehead and I close my eyes.

I wake up and sit up and look at my wrist to see the bracelet still there. God it's beautiful and my mother she cares for me. Being a demigod you parents never do care for you but sometimes they do like how Clarisse has her spear and Percy is on a quest and Luke with his shoes. I look outside and see the sun is rising. I walk to the lake and pull on the sword charm and a sword appears in my hand it's lightweight and beautiful as if it was made for me. I drop it and it disappears and goes back into the charmed bracelet. I love it so much it's amazing.

I think about Clarisse and Luke and know I need to talk to them. I go into the Ares cabin quickly and quietly and see Clarisse sleeping. I nudge her trying to wake her up. She groans and rubs her face looking at me she puts her strong hand on my cheek and rubs it " hi sweet girl " I mumble a hi and grab her hand. We walk over to Luke's cabin and I wait outside as Clarisse wakes him up because there are lot of kids in there and I don't wanna walk in there. Luke comes out and smiles at me. I take both there hands and walk them to the lake they both follow along confused.

When's we get to the lake I play with the bracelet my mom gave me and I don't know what to say right now. Luke looks at me and asks " who gave you that " Clarisse looks at me with her eyebrows raised. They think a camper gave it me.. I laugh " my mom came to me in my dream last night and gave me this she told me you guys need to trust me " I tell them both.  Clarisse hugs me happy that my mom cares for me and she says " I'm happy for you baby I know you can protect yourself I just don't want anything to happen to you my princess " I kiss her hard and look at Luke waiting for him to talk. He grabs my and kisses me " protect yourself fine but if you get hurt just know me and Clarisse are going to fight " I nod.

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