preliminary pt-2

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"Hinata listen to me, withdraw now. You know you were never meant to be a ninja." Neji said.

I gasped at his comment.

"You're too kind and gentle. You seek harmony, and avoid conflict. You allow yourself to be easily swayed by others." he said.

'I mean he was right, she is soft, but he doesn't have the right to judge her. She fights in her own way.' I thought.

Hinata said she entered to Chunin Exams because she wanted to change.

Neji continued to talk about Hinata, until he activated his byakugan. I looked at Hinata who was shaking. With his byakugan activated, he continued to talk down on Hinata. Naruto and I were visibly getting angry. Tears formed in Hinata's eyes.

"That does it!" He shouted.

"Don't let him bad mouth you Hinata, kick his butt!" I shouted.

Neji and Hinata looked at me and my brother.

"Who gave you the right to tell her who she can and can't be?! Go on Hinata show this guy he's wrong!" my brother shouted, angrily.

"Your not weak y'know, your strong show him what you are capable of hinata!!!" I shouted encouragingly.

"Naruto-kun.. Inora-chan.." Hinata thought.

Kakashi sensei, Sakura, and Lee stared at the two of us in shock. My brother growled, then yelled,

"Hinata, you just gonna stand there and take that? Do something! Your driving me crazy!" He said

I nodded my head agreeing with him. Hinata then started to get serious, she activated her byakugan.

'That's the spirit Hinata!' I thought.

Hinata then got into fighting stance.

"Defend yourself, my brother." she said.

Lee then elaborated on the Hyuga style Hinata and Neji were using. Both Neji and Hinata charged forward at each other, each attack getting blocked. Hinata, then finally landed a hit on Neji.

"Did she get him?" Sakura asked.

"No way, she hardly touched him." my brother said.

Lee explained by saying,

"Even so, a glancing blow is enough. That is what makes the Hyuga clan the most formidable of fighter "lee said

"What does?" Sakura asked

Guy sensei then explained how to Hyuga clan uses a special kind of taijutsu that attacks the opponents internal organs and chakra network.

"You see, you can't build up your internal organs, no matter how hard you train. Even the toughest ninja is vulnerable to this type of attack." Kakashi sensei said.

Hinata and Neji continued to battle it out.

"Hinata, way to go!" Naruto shouted.

"They attack the chakra network. These people are amazing!" Sakura said stunned.

Lee then had to explain what the chakra network was to my, not so smart brother.

"Wow Lee! How'd you ever get to be so smart?" my brother asked.

"How come you even become a genin " Sakura then proceeded to hit him over the head for being stupid.

"Hey!" I yelled at her. She flinched and nervously laughed scratching her neck

After a few more things were explained, Hinata finally landed a blow on Neji. At least that's what I thought..

"Yeah get him!" Naruto shouted.

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