Sasuke rescue mission pt-2

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He tried to stab me with his bones but then suddenly he got kicked by someone, I looked the direction to find lee

"Lee!!! What are you doing here !? I screamed as he was injured and was not allowed to come here

To which he chuckled at me

"Tsunade-sama sent me for back up " he replied

"It is I- the rejuvenated Leaf Village's handsome devil, Rock Lee! And the Leaf Villages Red-Hot Habanero! And we are going to break all of your bones" Lee said

"Is that what people are calling me now?" I asked, confused.

Lee got into fighting stance and I released my chains.

"Bushy brow?" my brother asked, confused.

"Bushy brow, what about your injuries? I thought-" but before Naruto could finish

"No need to worry about me Naruto, go get Sasuke , I and Akane will take care of him!" Lee replied

My brother nodded at him and he left, Lee and I began to fight bone guy.

"Lee, are you sure Granny Tsunade said it was ok for you to come here?" I asked him.

"Nope, I snuck out." he said casually.

"Lee!" I yelled at him, while making a angry cat face.

Bone guy then tried to stab me, I tried to block it with my chains, but it pushed through them.

'My chains aren't strong enough? How hard are those bones?' I thought

Pervy sage did say my chains are weaker than they're supposed to be.. Plus, my chains aren't really meant for defense.

"Well, if my chains won't work I'll use my taijutsu!" I said

Lee uppercut the guy with the back of his hand. His started cracking his shoulder, I almost threw up.

"Stop doing that!" I shouted at him, being weirded out.

"Sorry, I can't." he responded.

"The next hit, will be your last." Lee said.

I nodded, agreeing with him. Lee used leaf hurricane, but he dodged it. I jumped up ready to kick him in the face, but he dodged, I tried again, but he dodged again. I spun around, about to kick him on top of the head, he dodged that as well.

"He's too fast lee , what shall we do now?!" I said to Lee.

"Your agility is most impressive, and you have a most singular style." Lee said.

"Your styles are to direct, almost obvious." the man said.

Lee and I charged at him together, but he dodged.

"It's over." I heard him say behind me, my eyes widened.

"One moment, please!" Lee said holding his hand out to the man.

"I'm sorry, but I have to take my medicine at a certain time, and that time happens to be now. Excuse me, it will take just a minute." Lee said.

I got up,

'Can you just stop in the middle of battle like this?' I thought, looking like a confused cat.

Surprisingly, the guy waited.

While Lee drunk his medicine, me and the guy had a small chat. I discovered that his name was Kimimaro.

Gaara x reader ||Naruto's Twin Sisterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें