Forest of death pt-2

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I woke up early as I was excited, I couldn't believe I made it this far , I went to Naruto to wake him up

"Wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up!!!" I said continusly shaking him but he didn't move a inch

"Five more minutes Akane-chan....." He said still snoring

I then started tickling him , he jumped out of the bed

" You better believe it!!!" You said copying him

"Hey that's my line !!!" He said I giggled


We met Sasuke and sakura at the forest of death, everyone were already arrived, again the creepy vibes were back

"This place is creepy " said sakura

"Yes I too thought the same thing" I said

" It should it is called forest of death for a reason " said anko

"It sHoUld iT iS cAllEd foResT Of dEatH fOr a rEasOn " said Naruto mocking her while dancing like a chicken

'bad idea ' I thought

Anko threw a kunai to his direction making a small cut on his cheek

"You are not afraid are you " she said in a creepy voice

"Tough guys like you shed blood all ove the forest" she said in creepy voice

'she is more creepier than this forest ' I thought sweat dropped

Suddenly a woman pointed kunai at anko with her long tounge

"I was just returning your knife" she said

'she is even more creepier ' I thought with black shadows on my head

"Thanks Grass ninja" she replied

I just couldn't stand them I walked away , I saw gaara standing I walked towards him

"Hey!" I said

"Don't... Go away" he said to which I frowned but quickly changed to a closed eye smile

"Argh! Alright what do you want ?" He asked

"I'm just saying hi to my friend" I smiled I looked back to see kankuro and temari, I waved my hand at them

"I'll just get back to my team" I said to them and walked away

"Why is she so fixated over us ?" Temari asked kankuro

"I don't know maybe we should just ignore her" replied kankuro

"Uh easy to say " said temari glancing at gaara who was looking towards you while you walked away

'he seems so interested in her ' thought temari

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