Team 7

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Sasuke smirked and Naruto feared as his teeth shivered

"Inora-chan calm down " said Naruto with sweat dropped and awkward smile

I returned to my normal cute face and doe eyes and looked at him , everyone sighed in relief.

"So I'm going to announce the three man team with an exception of one 4 man team" Said iruka sensai everyone returned to their seats .

He started announcing the teams .

" Uzumaki Naruto, Sakura haruno" Naruto-nee jumped out of happiness while Sakura was depressed

"Uzumaki inora and Sasuke uchiha " now role was reversed sakura screamed of happiness while Naruto-nee was depressed

"What is a looser like Sasuke is doing with a greate ninja like me !! " Screamed Naruto

" Naruto he got the second highest marks in exam and you got the least so in order to keep the balence you both are in same team " said iruka

I giggled slightly at Naruto-ne's expression. I was happy that I was in same team as him , the I looked towards hinata she looked sad

'i Know why '

" Hinata don't worry we will still he friends" I smiled looking at her , she smiled back at me

Time skip

"Looks like losers team get looser sensai" said kiba with a grin , I pouted angrily

It's been a hour we were waiting for our sensai .

I saw Naruto taking the duster and fixing it above the door

" What are you doing Naruto-nee " I asked confused and silently not drawing attention

" I'm keeping the duster here soon when our sensai enters it would fall on his head " he said with grin

" Naruto don't do this " said sakura 'i love things like tis ' thought sakura

" Don't Naruto-ne, sakura is right, what if you get punished again " I said being worried

"What do you think a jonin rank ninja would fall for your trick " said Sasuke

'well he is right though ' I thought


Someone opened the door and the duster falls on him .

Naruto grinned

'i love things like this ' thought sakura

Sasuke sighed

"Please forgive Naruto-ne he didn't mean it , pls don't punish him " I said with a sad pout

" My first impression on you gyus is .... I hate ya all "

Everybody's face dropped

" Except her " he said pating my head

I blushed while others glared at me

Time skip

" Everyone start by introducing yourselves " said Kakashi sensai

"You go first " said Naruto

"I'm harake Kakashi, dislikes and likes I don't feel like saying, future plan never thought of "

"Ehh all we know is your name " said Naruto"


"Everyone have to appear on tomorrow's training on the training ground and don't have breakfast " said Kakashi sensai

Next day

"You have to take these Bell from me " said Kakashi sensai

" But there are only three " asked Naruto

" Yes because the one who couldn't get will be tied to that log and watch everyone eat "

' what I should have known why he didn't want us to have breakfast ' I sighed with a pout


I was hiding under bush and watched how my brother tried to take bells from Kakashi sensai . But we will never be able to take bells if we work on our own .

I reached sakura

"Sakura listen we can together work to take the bells from Kakashi sensai" i said

" I'll do it myself, I don't need your help , I have to impress Sasuke" she said and went on

I pouted angrily, I thought of approaching Sasuke but I don't think he would say yes , I sighed pouting maybe let me just try it one

" Sasuke-kun listen , maybe we can work as a team to succeed" I said

" No I don't need help of any red hot head" he said and jumped off

This time I got more angry

I pouted angrily

I tried searching Kakashi sensai. I found him. I tried to save Naruto from him

You pointed your finger towards him

"Target fixed" i said

foure chains appeared from my back

"Ha ! What is this ? " I asked myself, surprised of myself

He tried to escape, but my chains wrapped around his legs then reaching up to his head

I giggled running to him thinking I caught him but it popped away, I looked at it , it was a wodden log

" A substitution Jutsu !!! WHY!!" I pouted and stumped my feet getting annoyed

'the Uzumaki chain jutsu, ... Hmm .. just like Kushina ' thought Kakashi and he smiled closed eyed


Naruto was tied to the wooden log while we were sitting on the ground with lunch boxes .

" You three can have lunch but you can't feed Naruto, if you do so you will be sent back to academy" said Kakashi sensai and he disappeared

We started eating, while my brother's stomach growled,

"Enough!!" I thought and stood up to feed my brother

" You don't have to do it Inora-chan or else you will be sent back to academy because of me " he said acting all tough

His stomach growled, I giggled

" Stop acting all tough teme " said Sasuke he too started feeding

"Just eat " said sakura showing her lunch

" I can't!!!" Said Naruto, I looked to my brother sadly

" Because my hands are tied !!! " Sakura's veins popped I sighed

Suddenly Kakashi sensai appared he raised his hands and black clouds started to form we looked to him terrified.

"Why did you feed him when I said no " said Kakashi sensai

" b-Because we are a t-team " I said getting scared

He patted my head

" You are the only one who understood the exact poin Inora"

" Everyone else was distracted Naruto just did what he wanted to , sakura was trying to impress Sasuke, and Sasuke thought he was top of everyone "

" Now you all have passed " said Kakashi sensai with closed eye smile

We all sighed in relief

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