Chapter 18 - The Superdollar Deal and the Prisional contract

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Two weeks after stealing Tony McTony's Pegassi Zentorno, Hans was in his tuning workshop carrying out some modifications on a customer's car

When he finished, he decided to take a look at the service board to see which one he wanted to do and ended up choosing the service called "The Superdollar Agreement"

When selecting him, Sessanta tells him that a Korean client had said that his printing plates were taken and seized by federal agents and that they would need to hijack a convoy transporting the plates and bring them back to him.

Sessanta says that they should first acquire tracking equipment and plant it on the trailer to be able to identify it when it is moving on the train.

So to do this, she sends the location of the truck as being at the Fort Zancudo air base to Hans

Before arriving at the fort, Hans steals a Crusader in Liquor Ace and uses it to enter the fort undetected as well as being disguised as a soldier to arouse less suspicion.

Once this is done, he continues to the Fort and once inside, he looks for the truck, which was located inside hangar A1 or in front of the Fort Zancudo Fire Station.

And as soon as he was located, Hans needed to take a photo of the truck and sent it to Sessanta, staying away from the soldiers inside, otherwise they would open fire on him.

Afterwards, Sessanta orders him to plant the device under the trailer.

Once the device was planted, Hans only had to leave Fort Zancudo and
When he sees an unoccupied Rhino war tank, he decides to drive the vehicle and manages to get out of there calmly, going directly to the tuning workshop and abandoning the tank near the Freakshop.

Entering the workshop, Sessanta tells Hans that in order to get past the convoy's onboard security systems, he will need to find a hacker who can lead him to antivirus software.

Hans is then given the location of the fast food place where the hacker is and a photo of him to locate him.

Upon arriving, he sees the hacker getting on his Faggio Mod motorcycle and drives to his apartment, making him need to follow him to the apartment. When he arrives at the apartment, Hans needs to enter the place and look for the software.

Once the software has been collected without the Hacker noticing, he leaves the apartment and goes to his workshop

With the preliminaries over, Hans is instructed to go to the location of the military convoy, which was beginning to move from the western entrance road to Fort Zancudo and passing through the Great Ocean Highway, Senora Freeway and Palomino Freeway

The target is the same trailer seen in the previous preliminary, being pulled by a Hauler Custom truck and escorted by two Jeep Squaddies full of military personnel, as well as a Valkyrie MOD.0 helicopter with both towers occupied.

As soon as he arrives at the convoy's location, piloting an armored APC that he had recently purchased, he communicates to Sessanta on the radio

— Sessanta found the convoy with the printing plates, I ask permission to shoot madam...

— Permission granted "captain", you can shoot at the train at will

As soon as he receives permission, Hans begins the assault on the convoy, starting with the military jeeps and then attacking the truck with the trailer.

The escort units then begin to attack Hans in response, while the truck drives at greater speed to get away

When Hans manages to damage the truck significantly after a series of heavy shots from his armored vehicle, the rear ramp opens and an HVY Barrage with both turrets occupied by soldiers tries to kill him, while more soldiers were chasing him in Jeeps Mesas, but he You can eliminate them using the armored vehicle's turret

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