Chapter 4 - The Serie A heist

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A little while after the successful raid on the Humane laboratory, a crazy idea man named Trevor suddenly enters Hans' apartment (where Johnny, Hector and Landon were also there) along with Ron and Chef, welcoming the crew. at Trevor Philips Industries

Trevor is involved with a drug deal, but without the actual drugs to sell, he tasks the team with obtaining the "goods" so he can proceed with the deal.

The first step was to collect a shipment of "coca" and the team will be divided into two pairs: one on a boat that will approach the yacht by sea and the other on helicopters that will approach it by air.

The boat duo made up of Hans and Johny must go to Vespucci to catch a Tropic Boat, while the helicopter duo made up of the other team members must go to Higgins Helitours in La Puerta to catch a Frogger helicopter

Both pairs must make their way to the yacht, while Ron suggests that they need to coordinate their attacks to be successful.

There are eight packages of cocaine scattered around the yacht, some perhaps in the cabins and others on the lower deck.

The yacht is heavily guarded and enemies will open fire when anything approaches

During the attack, some reinforcements arrived in police Maverick helicopters

After all the packages have been collected, the entire team regroups and enters the Frogger and also loses the enemies, before delivering the coke to the warehouse under the Los Santos Freeway in East Vinewood and after that the mission is complete

The second step was to collect some "molly pills" in garbage bags in the Vagos gang area and for this the team was divided into two pairs: the operators and the Collectors.

Everyone is instructed to go to the recycling center on High Street, Pillbox Hill, where they went to collect a Trashmaste truck and  kill the guards found in the area in the process and position themselves in their respective positions (the operators enter the truck's cabin and the collectors at the rear)

Once everyone gets into the truck, the operators are instructed to drive to the locations while the collectors must collect the bags of trash and take them to the truck's trash compactor.

The first location was on Forum Drive, where there are two bags as soon as they arrive they collect the "trash" in ten minutes before anyone suspects them

The second location was on Capital Boulevard, where there will be three bags

As soon as a bag has been collected, some members of the Vagos appear in the area and try to stop them.

Operators must remove them while collectors take the bags to the truck and manage to get out alive

The third location was on Supply Street, where there are four bags

Again, enemies appear in the area and the crew had to defend themselves but be careful, as the location is a gas station.

The fourth and final location was Boulevard Vespucci, where there will be five bags in an alley

More enemies appear to stop the team, so the team had to eliminate them but without any difficulties

After picking up the last bags, they get in the truck and deliver them to the warehouse under the Los Santos Freeway in East Vinewood

Members of the Vagos continued attacking the team along the way and once the Trashmaster truck was handed over to Ron Jakowski, the mission was completed.

The third step was to invade a camp of The Lost MC bikers to steal their vans that were full of cocaine and to do this the team is instructed to go to the trailer in Sandy Shores where Trevor lives and he informs the team what they are going to do

He says he left some silenced guns for them in his garage in case the team needs them

After their conversation, the team hops onto a nearby Dinghy boat and travels to Stab City on the shores of the Poplar Sea

As they get closer, Trevor explains that the team will have to use stealth to eliminate the members of The Lost before driving the vans with the cocaine

Once all the members are killed, some team members pick up the two vans and deliver them to the warehouse under the Los Santos Freeway in East Vinewood.

Along the way, members of The Lost attacked and chased them both on motorbikes and in Slamvans.

Once both vans were handed over to Ron Jakowski, the mission was complete.

Afterwards they are informed that some hillbillies called the O'Neil Brothers have just received a large shipment of ingredients to cook meth on their farm and to do so the team is instructed to head to the O'Neil Ranch in Grapeseed.

Trevor informs them that a tanker truck full of meth juice is being held at the farm and that they need to steal it and take it to Chef to begin setting up his cooking operation at the gas station.

Upon arrival, meth dealers both inside the house and spread across the farm begin to attack them

After most of the meth dealers were killed, Hans had to steal one of the trucks parked north of the main house and connect it to the tanker truck parked in front of the barn near the main house.

The team then takes the tanker to the meth lab at Ace Liquor.

Meth dealers chase them and attack the oil tanker and players with Sandkings vehicles along the way

Once the tanker truck has been delivered to the Chef, the mission is complete

After robbing the dealers, Ron informs the team that all the groups involved in the drug collection work were informed of the location of their stolen drugs and that Trevor was behind everything.

Trevor is currently in the warehouse under the Los Santos Free Way in East Vinewood with the drugs and needs help defending himself from attackers

Later, as they approach the warehouse, Trevor informs the team that two of them will be positioned at the north end of the warehouse and two at the south end.

The team will have to defend Trevor and the trucks, before transporting the trucks to the buyer's meeting point at a house near Farol El Gordo

When the initial attackers at the warehouse disappear, the team will have to transport the trucks to the lighthouse, with two members in their own  Mule truck and another in an armed pickup defending the trucks.

Along the delivery route, the attackers continue to pursue the convoy, with Ballas in Ballers, The Lost in Slamvans and Daemons motorcycles, and the frat boys in Froggers helicopters.

The robbery ends when all vehicles go to the Lighthouse.

Trevor thanks the team for successfully transporting the product to its destination and gives a trash bag of money to the team, telling them to get lost before more attention arrives.

After they leave, the negotiation takes place and the buyer asks Trevor by name where the cocaine is, which makes Trevor suspicious, as he never revealed his name to the buyer nor that he was selling cocaine.

Turns out the drug deal is actually a sting operation and the buyer is a DOA agent

The agent tries to make the arrest, but Trevor dives off a cliff into the water and becomes submerged while being shot at by the agent and the Los Santos police and Trevor manages to escape the authorities and swim to shore.

Soon after this, Trevor repeatedly bangs his head against a tree and then leans against it, sobbing over the failed deal, with only a small Impotent Rage action figure as his consolation.

After all this, the team celebrates their success outside the Park View Diner
(To be continued)

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