Chapter 10 - Stealing in the arena

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After a while since stealing the Turismo Omaggio, Hans returns to his junkyard to see on the computer which cars were available to purchase.

And there were only two options, one of them was worth $450,000.00 and the other was worth $320,000.00, Hans decides to steal the first option

After selecting him, Jamal Amir says that Yusuf Amir is interested in a Bravado Gauntlet Hellfire that is participating in a private event called "Arena War" by the Duggan family that will be held at the Maze Bank Arena and the vehicle in question was used in one of the films by Jack Howitzer, which is why Yusuf Amir's interest in having him

The first step was to reconnoitre the location for the robbery and to do so Jamal instructs Hans to go to the arena

When he gets there, Hans manages to take photos of strategic points that will help him in the coup without arousing suspicion and sends them to Jamal

With the photos received, Jamal suggests that Hans acquire some disguises to blend in with the arena spectators during the "Arena War" event, and get some VIP passes to access the elevator to the private boxes

Jamal also suggests that he can escape through the garage doors of a workshop located in the arena, but remembers the immobilizers installed in the vehicles there as a security measure and also says that he will need to find a device to turn off the immobilizers.

Upon returning to the junkyard, Hans is informed by Jamal that Merryweather Security is frequently developing portable "anti-immobilizer" bypass modules, which will be needed to bypass the Hellfire Gauntlet's immobilizers.

However, he can't find out which Merryweather lockup has the device stored because they have signal jammers spread across the city hiding their locations.

Hans then leaves the junkyard, finds the three signal jammers around the city and destroys them so that Jamal can track the Merryweather jammer and the diversion module using his new motorcycle he bought called the Opressor Mk II which can fly and fire missiles remote guided

Once the three signal jammers have been destroyed, Jamal sends the jammer's location

The entrance to the site was guarded by some Merryweather guards, one of whom is in a machine gun turret of an Insurgent pickup.

Hans arrives at the scene and to gain access to the safe lock, he destroys the control panel to open the garage door.

Inside the enclosure, the diversion module was being protected by Merryweather guards, including one wearing Ballistic Equipment.

After shooting all the guards and managing to escape the blockade with the collected bypass module, he manages to deliver it to the scrapyard

Soon after, Jamal informs Hans that he can find an old VIP pass in one of the abandoned workshops at the Maze Bank Arena, needed to get past the arena's security guards during the robbery.

Hans had to go to the Maze Bank Arena and break into the abandoned workshop of a deceased "Arena War" champion named Peter

Once inside, he went to look for a key card to access Peter's office avoiding the security cameras can be avoided so as not to alert the security guards.

To gain access to the offices in search of Peter's keycard, Hans had to hack the keyboards by playing the Hacking minigame

After locating and taking the key card, he uses the card to unlock Peter's office and collects the VIP pass from inside.

As soon as he steals the VIP pass, some security guards enter the workshop and notice him.

Immediately Hans killed the security guards to get out of the workshop and delivers the VIP pass to the scrapyard

Inside the junkyard, Jamal reminds Hans of the Duggan family's tight private security, and they will ensure that the Maze Bank Arena will be heavily guarded during the Arena War event organized by them.

Inside the junkyard, Jamal reminds Hans of the Duggan family's tight private security, and they will ensure that the Maze Bank Arena will be heavily guarded during the Arena War event organized by them.

He talks about a delivery of armor shipments arriving in Los Santos for the Duggans that must be stopped to facilitate the robbery and sends him the location of the prison owned by the Duggans and tells him to destroy any shipments inside it.

Hans then leaves the junkyard and once he arrives at the property, he destroys the first shipment of armor, he finds and reads a list of other shipments within the location, revealing the location of three vehicles that arrive in the city to deliver the shipments of armor.

Upon leaving the location, he finds the vehicles, destroys them and thus manages to weaken the Duggans' security at the arena event.

In a call with Jamal, Hans is instructed to steal a Los Santos Panic trailer, needed to enter the Maze Bank Arena

The arena is known for being the home of the LS Panic basketball team, and security guards there often see these trailers occasionally stopping by the arena.

He sends the location of a warehouse containing an LS Panic trailer at Richards Majestic Studios in Backlot City

Upon arriving there and after breaking into the warehouse, guarded by armed security guards, he looks for the keys to the Phantom Custom truck that tows the LS Panic trailer.

After stealing the Phantom Custom, Hans leaves the warehouse and delivers the part needed for the theft to his junkyard.

Once he acquires the vehicle, Jamal tasks him with collecting a backpack containing Los Santos Panic apparel to mingle with the basketball team's fans at the Maze Bank Arena during the heist.

He says to collect the bag at a nearby Suburban clothing store in the Alta neighborhood.

Once there, he picks up the pieces, leaves the clothing store and delivers the outfit needed for the robbery at the junkyard.

Jamal even sends a message saying that he forgot to mention that he didn't pay for the costume in advance

With everything ready for the heist, Hans, dressed in an LS Panic outfit, is instructed to take the LS Panic trailer he previously hid near the Maze Bank Arena and use it to gain access to the arena.

Upon taking the vehicle and entering the arena, he is instructed to show the VIP pass (previously stolen from Peter's office) to the guard before heading to the Duggans' private box.

Once he reaches the box via the elevator, Jamal tells Hans to prepare his weapons

An insane shootout against members of the Duggan family takes place in the spectator box

Without the Duggans to get in the way, Jamal tells Hans to use one of the telescopes to locate the target vehicle.

After locating the target vehicle in the arena, he accesses the Spectator Tablet available in the private box and uses one of the Battle Drones to disable the target vehicle by aiming and shooting at the short-range EMP device attached to it.

Once the vehicle has been disabled, Hans uses the elevator to the pit lane, passes Duggan's armed security, and steals the target vehicle from the arena.

Upon entering the target vehicle, he installs Merryweather's previously stolen bypass module to prevent the immobilizer from activating upon exiting the arena.

After installing the bypass module, Hans is free to escape the Maze Bank Arena with the target vehicle.

Everything was going as planned but upon leaving the arena, Jamal notices that the target vehicle is equipped with a bomb, so he instructs Hans to take the vehicle to Hao's garage in Downtown Vinewood so he can defuse the bomb.

As soon as the bomb was disarmed, Hans managed to deliver the vehicle to his scrapyard, days later he decided to deliver it to Yusuf, driving it to a container at the docks which was then placed on a ship that left for Liberty City and some time later, Yusuf Amir receives the car then makes payment of $450,000.00 to Hans
(To be continued)

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