Chapter 5 - The Pacific Standart heist

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After some time inactive, Lester Crest returns to lead and report on a robbery he finally found interesting: robbing the main branch of The Pacific Standard Bank in Downtown Vinewood.

The first step was to locate the Transponder devices that can be programmed to disable the Pacific Standart's dye packs and the team is instructed to locate four Post OP Boxvilles Vans, which are driving around Los Santos delivering packages, so that Lester can determine which one is carrying a transponder installed in the dashboard behind the rear doors.

The team is divided into two pairs of two; that of drivers composed of Hector and Landon and that of navigators composed of Hans and Johny

Hector and Landon were tasked with taking Hans to one of the vans, while Hand had to take a photo of the vans' license plates.

However, only Hans and Johnny can determine the location of a van using the Trackify app

Once a van has been located and the photo successfully taken by a navigator, the photo is immediately sent to Lester, who finds out which van has the transponder through the license plates.

Once Lester finds the correct van, it is located, so the team manages to steal the vehicle and deliver it to Paige Harris at the Darnell Bros. clothing factory.

Once the van is delivered, the mission is complete.

After this, Lester wanted the team to deliver the transponder recovered in the previous mission to an old friend of his named Avi Schwartzman, who will help the crew tune into the Pacific Standard Bank frequency for the robbery.

However, Avi is being pursued by government agents and is currently surrounded on an island north of Chumash and the team needs to catch some Jetski Seasharks and head to the island.

Once on the island, they needed to defeat a large number of government agents and 2 police helicopters surrounding the shack where Avi is hiding.

Once all threats were neutralized, Johnny had to pick up Avi from his cabin and then escorted Avi to a Predator police boat.

Avi is very scared and nervous about the situation, but collaborates with the team

Once they got Avi, they had little time to get him to Cassidy Creek and across the Alamo Sea to the delivery point at a small farm in Grapeseed.

The police continued to follow them until they reached Mar Álamo, demanding that they escape there before delivering Avi to his destination.

Paige Harris was waiting for team members at the drop-off location and once Avi is delivered, the mission will be complete.

The next step was to steal a hacking device from a high-level rival gang in Vinewood.

To do this, the team is divided into two pairs: Hector being the Transporter and Hans, Johnny and Landon being the Decoys.

They are instructed to get to the Gang Burrito Van parked outside Darnell Bros. and head to Vinewood Boulevard

Lester informs the team that they need to steal the equipment by exchanging it for the white Gang Burrito and attract the enemies by stealing the black vehicle, so they don't chase the white one containing the equipment.

Once they arrive at the location, they eliminate the rival crew, who are guarding the entrance and the alley where the black van is.

After they are dead, Hector just needs to drive the white van next to the black one

Once the exchange is complete, the Decoys take the black van and drive to Aguja Street in Vespucci while being chased by rival cars Fugitive and Grangers, while Hector drives the van to Lester's factory to deliver the equipment to Paige Harris.

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