Chapter 2: "It's been a while since I've seen you, right?"

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It was a sunny afternoon in Los Santos when Hans had just completed a sale of illicit products from one of his schemes and was just driving around in his Ocelot Virtue electric hypercar

Suddenly his cell phone starts ringing and he drives to the side of the road to look more calmly, when he looks at the screen already on the side of the was a call from Agatha Baker saying that she wanted to see him and asked to go to her office in casino

Without knowing what else he could say, Hans just said that he will go to her and then said goodbye, hanging up the call shortly after... while heading towards the Casino, he asked himself during the journey "what does this woman want from me ?

Arriving at the place, Hans entered the parking lot... left his car in a space and took two elevators until he arrived at Agatha's office

He then opens the door and walks towards her.

— Mr Heisenberg... what a surprise that you're here, it's been a while since our last meeting, hasn't it? - asked Agatha

— Yes... but tell me why you called me... do you need my help to solve a problem, Miss Baker? - asked Hans

— Look, not really but... you know... a few years ago I was a little desperate having to deal with the future of this casino and when you first came to me... you were a light in my life in between that darkness and helped me a lot in this matter, you were the only person who really cared about me, who was there to comfort me when I needed it
and when I saw you in that outfit I thought "damn...what a beautiful man that is" I instantly fell in love, but I didn't make it obvious because I wanted to know what his is.....know something that I've been keeping since that day ....Do you agree to date me?

— You know, Miss Baker....I feel the same way as you and I also fell in love with you but I didn't let it appear for the same reasons I said and answering what you asked.....yes....I agree to date you

Upon hearing Hans' words, Agatha felt moved and happy to see that sincerity in the answer, they pulled each other by the waist and hugged each other passionately and suddenly they began to exchange glances... their breathing became heavy as they accelerated... ..whispers from both were said to each other....Hans' lips gently approached and suddenly collided violently with Agatha's with softer kisses

And seeing what they were about to do, they decided to go to a more private place so that no one would bother them and went to Hans' penthouse to continue with what they were doing.

Their hands explore every part of their bodies... their legs intertwine... their hearts race like never before... every look and every touch increases the tension between them, they ask, thinking "let's do that... .." while answering yes "let's do it"

Hans and Agatha then lay down on the bed, starting to unbutton their shirts and slowly undressing.

Agatha thought she heard a light laugh, before, without any warning or ceremony, she was completely consumed by the malicious lips... the mouth dragged and tightened, spreading without any shame, licking like flames in a fire... She moaned as Hans explored her, starting with her belly, slowly and carefully working his way down...

He had felt the woman's excitement with each dilated pore, each time she slid her tongue down her body; that soft and smooth skin was sculptural "ah!"

He had finally gotten where Agatha wanted, Hans then felt her in his mouth for the first time

Agatha sighed "That,...continue!", she said, lightly nibbling her lips

He felt all his muscles tense as the man descended wet kisses in a devilish itinerary across his pale body.

The lips seemed to be in no hurry to reach their destination and, on the contrary, they savored with an incomprehensible and torturous calm the perverse path that was being drawn.

She writhed while the man licked her clitoris and held it delicately between his lips, then sucked it...

And for the rest of the night they made love all night long...

After the act, they rested breathless and satisfied, Hans felt Agatha's smile in his ears and turned to the side to see her, she closed her eyes as if she needed his touch as if she needed Hans' touch:

— I never expected to say this but...I really love you, Hans! - Agatha said with a light sigh

—I really love you too - Hans whispered.

The soft lips touched each other's noses and cheeks....One hand on their waist and the other on their face, Hans' rapid heartbeat was giving away his anxious state

Agatha also seemed to enjoy every moment as if it would be their last for a long time.

And then a lasting and true relationship begins in which one can count on the other for any problem...

A few days passed after that incredible day he had spent with Agatha and Hans was walking around when suddenly he received a call from an acquaintance of his called LJT telling him to come immediately to his counterfeit money production scheme because the police discovered the place and was surrounding the place

Hans immediately drives to the location, speeding down the road...

Arriving there, Hans starts a shootout with the police but easily manages to eliminate them all until LJT informs him that he has located a police van that was transporting some of his factory employees and Hans immediately goes there.

As he approaches the vehicle, Hans throws his car into the side of the van, which ends up hitting a wall, allowing Hans to pull out a submachine gun and kill the driver.

Then he gets out of his car and gets into the van to take his employees back to his scheme while the police were chasing him but that was no problem for Hans who managed to lose them... taking them back to their place safe and sound.
(To be continued)

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Note: I know this was a short chapter but wait, more things are coming

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