Chapter 16 - Shoring the farrier

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Months after his parents' arrival in Los Santos, Helmut and Viktoria, who wanted to visit him

Hans was having a conversation with Agatha until they came to matters related to the Diamond Casino and Resort

She mentions that lately she doesn't like Thorton Duggan much and as she wants to see the whole gambling circus "go up in flames", she suggests to Hans that he organize a robbery at the safe there.

He responds by agreeing that he will do this but mentions that he had already done this a few years ago and that he would be willing to carry out such a task for the second time because the first time it was done by the Chinese who were the previous owners of the establishment but that now he will do it for her.

Hans also complements his answer by saying that during these times he has been improving the way he carries out his robberies and concludes that carrying out this robbery will be a "sugar cake", that is, very easy.

Before leaving the house, Agatha warned him that a shipment of diamonds had possibly arrived in the safe, which made Hans more committed to it all.

Upon arriving at the planning location that was at the back of his arcade, he ended up calling Johnny Pinkman again as he was his friend and trusted partner for illicit actions like that

The two then went to the Casino, there they used a signal detector to find a specific security camera and once that was done they navigated through the security system to the safe room

Inside, Hans confirmed the rumors he heard from his girlfriend and there were indeed several lots filled with precious diamonds.

With the investigation complete, they returned to the arcade and chose the same team as when they robbed that place for the first time.

Other than that, the first preliminary thing they did was steal the key cards that were with a police officer at Bolinbroke prison.

To do so, they intercepted a prison bus that was on its way to the location and also disguised themselves as police officers to infiltrate the premises.

When they arrive at the prison, Hans and Johny park the bus and go towards the tower where their target was, inside Johny kills the agent with a knife and Hans searches the body and finds the cards so they can get out of there as soon as possible. quickly as possible, consequently being able to return to the arcade

Who comes into play in the middle of all this was Lester Crest who decided to help Hans and Johny in the robbery but without, of course, mentioning that he wanted his "slice of the pie"

For the second step, he informs the duo that the Diamond Casino security team keeps printed copies of the guards' schedule in the trunk of a car.

The two friends needed to get to a parking lot near the Galileo Observatory, where the Duggan security team is having an off-site meeting.

Once present and surrounding the meeting, Lester sends the license plate of the car that contains the scale so the pair can identify it.

The target vehicle was a Felon GT and once found, Johny went to open the trunk and take an image of the document.

When the scale image is sent, the two friends left the area and ended that mission without being detected by the guards.

For the third part, Lester informs them that there are several shipments of supplies and weapons being delivered to the city at the behest of Thornton Duggan for his guards at the Casino, and it is their job to eliminate them.

There were ten targets spread across San Andreas that were in vans, speedboats and helicopters, and once they managed to destroy the shipments with their "Opressor Mk II" jet flying motorcycles they managed to weaken the Casino's security team.

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