Truth or Dare: Ch 13

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     Finally, the smell of burning wood and warm fire hit me. All the music being played already felt nostalgic, even if I'd only been in the Glade for a month. My plan was just to try and have fun. Enjoy not having to be the Greenie anymore and the fact that I now have friends.

Speaking of the Greenie, he was fighting Gally in the circle. Thank goodness I'm the one standing off to the side and watching this time. The boy, who looked about 15, was getting his ass beat- which I've learned is expected to happen with every newbie.

Once the fighting circle started to break up, people moved to sit on some logs. Minho and Noah made sure I sat next to Newt, with Gally on Newt's other side.

(A/N: Time for a cliche y'all lmao)

"Anyone up for a game of Truth or Dare?" suggested Minho.

Cheers of agreement erupted, and although I wasn't sure if I wanted to play, I agreed anyway. Didn't wanna feel more different from the other Gladers than I already did.

"I'll start us off. Gally, Truth or Dare?"

"Dare, obviously."

"I dare you to tell us your secret moonshine recipe."

Gally would never.

"No shucking way, Minho. You try this every time we play, and what do I tell ya each time?"

"Fine, fine. Whatever. Better dare, spend 24 hours with Noah."


"Absolutely NOT!"

Noah and Gally both looked like they were regretting joining the game already. And it was hilarious. Sure, they got along sometimes and could have their fun- but 24 hours together? One of them was going to end up looking like they got attacked by a Griever (and it for sure wasn't Gally).

"Yes, you are. Now scoot next to each other. Go on." Minho said proudly, gesturing for the two of them to move. He was enjoying this just as much as I was. "The 24 hours! Newt, you let 'em know when it's up. I don't wanna do that."

"Fine, but until then, I'm not going anywhere near those bloody shanks."

"Let me ask Winston now. Truth or Dare?" asked Gally to a boy I'd barely seen around. If I wasn't mistaken, he was the Keeper of the Slicers. That was all I knew though.

"I'll go for truth, knowing your way too pissed off to go easy on me with a dare."

Smart guy it seems.

Gally took a moment to think, "Do you really like Frypan's cooking?"

"Hmm...I do actually. Except for his pork. Sorry, man."

Frypan being his sweet self, looked a little disappointed at first but laughed it off. He and Winston must've been good friends if they were able to joke like that.

The game continued on, with even the Greenie getting asked a question. He must be shy though, since he picked truth and answered the question pretty briefly. Soon enough, it was Noah's turn to ask me a question.

"Ally, Truth or Dare?"

"I'd pick dare if I were you. Wouldn't wanna be a wuss." Minho commented.

I was going to pick it anyway, but he had a point.


"I dare you to take a walk in the woods with Newt. It has to be at least 15 minutes long."

Damn, he did not hesitate. The words came out of his mouth immediately.

As for the dare, was that really what they meant by "setting me up?" If so, they really had no clue on how to handle girls.

Newt looked a little nervous but still smiled as he faced me, "Shall we?"

"Alright. Let's go."

Honestly, it was just a walk- and Newt was really nice to me! This was way better compared to some of the other dares the guys got.

Once we finally arrived by the woods, everything seemed a lot calmer. The sounds of the bonfire grew distant, as the sounds of crickets chirping got louder. The soft wind blowing leaves past only added to the vibe.

"So, how's your day been?" Newt asked in a soft tone.

"Had a lot to process today. It's so crazy to think I've already been in the Glade for a month."

"Yeah, I bet it is. My first month was pretty eventful as well." he replied, glancing down at his leg. "But what's been on your mind lately?"

"Well, especially today- I've been wondering why I'm here. Of course there's the fact that I'm a girl, but I still just feel different. I don't know how else to explain it."

It was the truth. I felt like I was lacking answers.

"Hmm, I get what you mean. That's valid. I will say that I've noticed you're more curious than a majority of the Gladers. And you advocate for your thoughts, y'know? Your determination as well, it's all really admirable."

He seemed like he was saying what he was truly thinking. It made me feel...warm inside? Happy too, of course.

"Oh wow, thanks Newt. You're really observant, aren't you?

He chuckled, "I guess you could say that. Most people like feeling seen, and that's just a good way to help with that. Noticing the little things about them."

Newt definitely accomplished his mission then, because I was probably a blushing mess. Good thing he couldn't see it under the darkness from the trees. However, this got me thinking. Why did only Newt make me feel this way? Surely it wasn't because of how sweet he could be, since Fry was also like that.

We were silent for a while as we walked, and I fidgeted with the tiny necklaces Minho put on me. They were all tangled up, and the fact that I had never worn jewelry before didn't help me trying to fix them.

(A/N: Knowing Minho, he either did it on purpose or was too dumbfounded at how to put on a necklace)

"Well Alice, I'm also observing that you might be struggling a bit with those. May I help?"

"That'd be very much appreciated." I laughed, not expecting him to actually stop walking and turn towards me.

Newt gently took hold of my necklaces, and began to concentrate on untangling them from one another.

All I could concentrate on was the sudden tension between us. Or maybe it was just me feeling it? Was I crazy? The only thing I could hear were our breaths as we stood a couple inches away from each other. I never wanted a moment to stop yet continue so badly all at once.

A small weight was lifted off my chest as he took a step back, finally having my necklaces fixed.

I smiled at him in thanks.

"There's been something I've been wanting to bring up to you Alice, if you don't mind?"

"Oh, of course-"

That's when I felt it. My throat suddenly closing, and legs falling from underneath me. I was on the ground, coughing and gasping for breaths at the same time as my body weakened.

"Woah, what happened?" Newt asked, the panic clear in his voice. He kneeled down next to me, as I wrapped myself into a ball.

I couldn't answer. Both physically and because I didn't even know what was happening.

My throat was burning and so was my skin. All over. I couldn't think clearly, it all happened so fast. As the pain increased, I felt more and more lightheaded.

"Alice, stay awake. I'll take you to the Medjacks- just don't close your eyes."

But it felt like I had to. My body craved to feel nothing for once. No more pain.

And I let my eyes shut.

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