The Box's Surprise Delivery: Ch.1

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  The feeling of cold metal and the sound of a blaring alarm awoke me. My eyes fluttered open as I looked around. Quickly overtaking my feeling of confusion, panic sunk in. Who am I? Where am I? What is happening? Seemingly millions of questions flooded through my mind. Just take a deep breath and look around. I slowly sat myself up and squinted my eyes, now realizing how dark the room was despite the occasional flash of a red light. 

Right as I stood up, the room crashed to the side with a loud bang and I ended up right near a wall, scraping my arm and the side of my face pretty badly. Then something in my mind finally clicked; this was some sort of elevator. It was moving upwards at lightning speed, almost making me dizzy. The crates and boxes surrounding me all had the same thing written on them. W.C.K.D. Considering the fact that I had no clue what could be waiting for me at the end of this elevator- if there even was an end- I thought my best bet would be to hide behind the largest crate in one of the corners.

Not even a moment passed of me hiding before my chest felt like it was tightening. Regardless of how hard I tried to control it, my breaths quickened. The musty and crammed elevator must have been causing this- or it could simply be the shock of waking up in such a place and having zero memory of anything. Probably both. I then pulled my light jacket off to try holding it for comfort, and to keep myself from overheating. In the dim light I could see that the jacket was pink. Pink. Why does that spark a feeling of fondness in me? This must have been enough to push me to my limit- because I had now broken into sobs that seemed to last forever.

Another attempt to gasp for air, but the sound of muffled voices came closer. I looked up through my blurry and teary eyes whilst trying to quiet down. The elevator was about to come to a stop. Was this a good or bad thing?

"Open up the shuck box now would ya, Alby?"

"Could you bloody slim it, Minho? Just for a second to spare the greenie any more distress."

More and more voices- all masculine sounding- arose until light flooded the elevator. Then, there was a long moment of silence.

"Hey, where's the greenie?"

"Don't ya think that if we knew- we'd all be cheering or somethin'?"

"Listen dude-"

"Just shut up already, I'll find him!" another voice announced. It sounded strong, powerful, and quite honestly- terrifying.

The "box", as the voices called it, gave a slight shake once the weight of someone dropped down into it. There were some mutters and whispers whilst the person's footsteps thumped around. I couldn't help but to let out another quiet sob at the stress of this whole situation. That may have been my biggest mistake, because the first thing I saw after looking up from rubbing my eyes were eyebrows. Or rather a person- but also one with very scary looking eyebrows. He was right in my face. I froze and before I knew it, he took hold of my arm.

"Found ya Greenie." he laughed.

He stood us up in the middle of the box. About twenty to thirty boys stood above surrounding the box, all looking down.

"It's a...girl?!" someone shouted. Am I at a gender reveal party? Wait, how do I even remember what that is? The crowd once again erupted into chaos and my ears began to ring. I really wanted to understand what was happening- protect myself if necessary. But I couldn't. The tall eyebrow guy did a double-take down at me, and only then did his face show signs of realization. His mouth gaped open slightly before he grabbed me even tighter and forced my face to look all the boys in their eyes.

"Guess the creators decided to send us a she-bean this time!" Mr. Eyebrows yelled. Just as I thought I was about to faint, another boy jumped down. My initial thoughts were to run away. Though sadly, that wasn't really a possibility.

"Gally, I think it's best if you let me handle this one, yeah?" suggested the boy with dirty blonde hair. I wasn't too calmed by the word handle, but he did look a little less intimidating. Slightly shorter than Mr. Eyebrows- still pretty tall, and slimmer. He also had a British accent. That was a little more relaxing compared to all the ruckus up above.

With an overly aggressive eyeroll and a long sigh, I was let go. Mr. Eyebrows climbed out of the box, leaving just the blonde boy and I alone. Well, as long as I didn't include the crowd that was still watching.

"Why'd you gotta take the greenie all to yourself, Newt? Let us all meet her! Unless you're too desperate!" some boy yelled. It only caused more laughter. All I wished for in that moment was to disappear.

"Hey- all you shanks better get back to work! Show's over! Be patient and wait till' the bonfire whilst we get the greenie settled." demanded a dark-skin boy. Thankfully, everyone listened and slowly walked away.

"Sorry about Gally. He can be quite a lot- and usually it's funny to watch him welcome the new greenie. But clearly it was not the best decision this time." he chuckled. "Well, I'm Newt. It's alright if you don't remember your name yet. It'll come back to you soon. Why don't we get you out of this box so you can get some fresh air, yeah? Here, I'll help you up." he said as he crouched down.

Without saying anything, I carefully stepped onto his hands as I pulled myself up. Newt came up right after me, and there was a moment of silence. Then, I glanced around. There were woods off to the side, a farm, garden, some wooden buildings and huts scattered, and animals roaming around. Everything seemed so peaceful. For a second I wondered why I was ever so scared. That was until I saw the four ginormous walls surrounding everything. Are we trapped? Newt must have noticed the change in my face.

"You must have a lot of questions. Let's go get Alby over here so he can explain everything and give you the tour. He'll take good care of you whilst I go and handle some things. Today's been pretty busy." he told me as we walked. 

I didn't reply. We just held eye contact. Sure, he didn't seem to pose much of a threat, but still. How could I trust him? How could I trust anything or anyone? With a sigh, he turned around looking disappointed, and left me with Alby. 


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