What's Real?: Ch 8

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"Alice, Alice wake up." whispered a voice next to my ear. 

His voice. Newt's. 

My eyes fluttered open and I was looking directly at Newt. He reached to turn on the fairylights hung up in my room, then I realized how his hair was a little messier than usual.

"Hi." I muttered, still sleepy of course.

His expression went from concerned to a soft smile. He chuckled. "Are you alright? You were screaming. A few of the boys woke up- not to make you feel guilty or anything. Just checking in."

I contemplated whether or not I should tell him about my dream. Well, it seemed more like a memory. No dream has that much detail. 

"Sorry about that, it was just a dream I guess."

"It's okay, no need to apologize. Not your fault. Would you like to talk about it?" he asked quietly, moving to sit on the end of my bed. 

"Hmm...sure. It was pretty confusing though. I was in some facility sneaking around at night and got caught by a doctor. Minho was there too. We were tied down onto these chairs and Grievers came at us. Then, there were these tubes stuck into our arms that made everything burn. It really hurt. That's about it though. But Newt, it felt more like a memory."

He listened attentively and I could see him processing my words carefully. 

"I suppose that could be possible. Especially since Minho was there. If you remember anything else you could always tell me, okay?"

I nodded. Newt seemed genuinely worried for me. 

"Yeah, I will. Thanks for waking me up too. I clearly wasn't enjoying that dream- or memory- very much." I tried to give a smile to him, although I was still quite shaken up by all that had just happened. I mean, who was that young girl I saw? And her and I had brothers? So many questions. 

"Of course." he nodded back, glancing over me. "I'm going to head back to bed so goodnight again, Alice." 

"Goodnight, Newt."

Although he helped to calm me down, my heart sunk a little as he got up from my bed and reached for the door handle. There was some tension in the moments where he looked between the door and I until he finally walked out. 

Now I was stuck to think about my memory for the rest of the night. No way I'd be able to fall back asleep after that. 

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

"Then, Gally kept rushing me to give him the wood. Like- how am I meant to do that when your literally yelling at me sir?! I swear he takes advantage of the fact he's my boss."

Of course, Noah was right back to yapping. Only this time I wasn't really in the mood for it. I was surprised he hadn't commented on the bags under my eyes from last night or how I'd been acting "emo". 

"Noah, with all due respect- I'm trying to focus on this blueprint right now."

"And if I'm being honest, I couldn't care less Ally. In fact- the more I distract you, the less work I have to do today! No blueprint, no building." he grinned, seemingly proud of himself. 

"Well if that were to happen, then Alby would not be too happy with either of us. I think I'm on his good side, so I'd like to keep it that way, kid." 

Then, he groaned and picked up a nearby twig and threw it in my hair.

"Noah, if you do that one more time I'm not eating lunch with you today."

"I'll just sit with Minho then! Wait- he's gonna be out running. Umm...Gally would be pretty annoyed by me. Fine, I'll stop."

I laughed at that. "Seems like I'm your only friend then, hm?"

"Shut up. I'm only friends with you so you don't gotta be all lonely." 

"Mm, yeah sure." I smirked and tossed the twig back at him. 

He rolled his eyes and finally quieted down.

"You're alright though? I think I heard you screaming or something last night. When I woke up Newt was gone too- OH MY GOSH!"

What is he talking...

I immediately dropped the blueprint from my hands and stood up.


"Don't even start with what?" asked Gally, appearing out of nowhere. "He botherin' you again Alice?"

"Yeah. You should really punish him. Maybe even ban him from "griddying" or whatever he calls it." 

"Noah, get your ass back to work." 

The way he rolled his eyes and went back to hammering some nails made it hard for me not to laugh at him. 

(A/N: Lowkey kinda short chapter so sorry abt that. Question tho if anyone cares, would yall be upset if Newt and Alice didn't get together until after/end of the Maze? There would still be a ton of tension and good moments ofc)

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