Sweet Mornings: Ch.10

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The next morning I had woken up feeling more refreshed than I could ever remember, and to the sound of birds chirping rather than a loud bell or someone pounding on my door.

Too refreshed, almost.

After rubbing the leftover sleep out from my eyes I looked down at the watch Minho had given me.

9 A.M.

I had slept in- how?

A little panicked, I threw my hair into a slightly messier-than-usual braid and got changed before heading outside my hut, only to feel more confused.

I could spot just a few boys outside eating breakfast, and the rest were nowhere to be found. The only reasonable idea I could conjure up was to go check in with whoever was awake.

"Good mornin' Fry. Uh...I was just wondering where everyone was at?" I asked walking up the Cook, rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly.

"Ah, it's our day off. Alby started doing this thing a while ago where we get a free day before the new Greenie arrives in the Box. Unless you wanna work, that is" he chuckles, "Otherwise, have some fun today, y'know?"

That actually sounded really good. I hadn't gotten a moment of time to just enjoy myself without worrying about anything since arriving in the Glade.

"Oh no, definitely. You can bet I will. I'm already loving getting to sleep in."

A typical Frypan-style-smile formed on his face before he turned around in the kitchen to grab something that I couldn't quite see.

"You know what I'll bet you love even more? Morning tea. Or coffee. I've got both! Only 'cause Newt asked the Box for it last month though. That shank was always complaining about being too tired to deal with us 'immature kids' or whatever." he rambled as he prepared two cups. "C'mon, take a seat! There's not many people up right now anyways." Fry gestured toward a small table in the back of the kitchen, which I decided to go to with him.

To be honest, this whole morning was feeling like a dream. Thankfully not like the weird one I had though. This was more of a peaceful feeling. Just the way everyone seemed calm, even the animals. The light breeze and perfect sunlight. The fresh scent of grass that I breathed in. I liked it.

Two mugs being slid across the table to me overtook my attention.

"Taste test time. Left one's tea, right one's coffee." Fry grinned pointing at each cup.

"Imagine I don't end up liking either of them." I say jokingly as I go to take a sip of tea.

"Mornin' Fry." groaned a tired sounding voice.

Just as I placed my mug back down I saw Newt walk in, his hair looking extra blonde from the sun behind him.

"Hey, Newt! You're lookin...like you had a rough night." replied Frypan.

"Um, I guess. I dunno, I was just sorta busy yesterday. Can I have some coffee now though, please?" Newt said, sounding a little deeper and groggier than usual, his eyes still struggling to stay open as he ran his hand through his messy hair.

At least I wasn't the only one with a bedhead.

"Of course, just one second." Fry got up to go make another drink, allowing Newt to finally see me.

"Oh, hey Alice. Didn't know you were up already."

He seemed to become a bit more alert as he made eye contact with me, a small smile that twitched on his face for a moment.

"Just woke up actually, if you couldn't tell." I chuckled, rubbing my eyes again.

"I can tell, but you also look rather cute, all sleepy like that."

A weird twisty feeling happened in my stomach, and my face suddenly felt hotter. My stomach must not like the tea very much. And it was pretty hot too. Yeah, that had to be it.

"So, what have we got here?" he asked, pulling up a chair to the tiny table.

"I got her to do a little taste test. Tea and coffee, your favorite." Fry answered, handing Newt a steaming mug.

"Tea's alright I guess. I'll give it...a 6 out of 10." I said, still scrunching my eyebrows at whatever strange sensation it was that I just experienced.

"Oh, really? No no, you'll give it a higher rating compared to the coffee."

Suddenly Newt was sounding like a stereotypical Brit.

"But you're literally drinking coffee right now!" I laughed.

"True, but only because I was in the mood for it today. Tea will always be where my heart is truly at."

I smiled before cheering my coffee mug with Newt's, the clink echoing a little in the quiet kitchen.

This is way better than tea.

"So, what do you rate that, Alice?"

"A solid 9 out of 10. You better make sure to ask the Box for extra coffee from now on."

Newt's usual frown appeared on his face as he looked rather surprised before chuckling as he seemed to realize something.

"Well, at least I won't have to worry about you stealing all my tea."

"You'd probably wanna share with her anyways." mumbled Fry, seemingly zoned out with a small smirk on his face.

Newt gave a quick but stern glance to him before turning back to me.

The rest of the morning was actually quite nice though. The three of us just got to chat with each other and not worry about anything. It felt awesome.

(A/N: someone let me know if this type of chapter was too boring or something, although personally I really enjoyed writing it lol)

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