GRWM: Ch. 12

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Last night, I fell asleep surprisingly well considering all the chaos that happened at the lake. I probably just got tired out. However, the next morning was Greenie Day. I was just glad that I didn't have to get called any stupid names anymore. Just Alice...and Ally. I didn't know exactly why Noah started calling me that, but I liked it. Oh, and not to mention that I was pretty excited for the bonfire, since I practically had no friends during the last one.

"Gally, you sure you wanna get the Greenie this time?"

"What if it's another girl?"

"Then we let Alice get it."

"IT?!" I yelled.

"SLIM IT!" shouted Alby.

Thank goodness. Those comments were getting real annoying real quick. As for Gally, he did not go down into the Box this time. It was decided that Newt would go instead, which was probably for the better.

The disappointed sigh that escaped my mouth once I saw the Greenie probably seemed overly dramatic. It in fact was not a girl. Just some random boy who was panicking the same way I did once I arrived. As much as I would have liked to be a part of the whole event to feel more like an official Glader, I couldn't really stand to watch for too long. I felt so bad for that poor boy.

This got me thinking though.

Do I really want another girl to come up into the Glade? What would that be like anyway? What are other girls like? Would we be friends? Why am I the only girl? Why me?

"Yo, Ally! Ya finish those blueprints for the Homestead extension yet?"

Of course Noah had to barge into my hut and interrupt. Well, it's not like I was focusing on my work anyways.

"Uh, almost. Yeah. I'm close to finishing."

"You lyin'?"

Before I could even answer, he was already invading my personal space by peeking over my shoulder. I had barely started designing anything!

"ALLY- oh wait, we don't know your full name. Dammit. I can't go all Mama Newt on you. Whatever! Get to work, girl! You're the only Designer in the Glade so far, so us Builders and Med-Jacks are countin' on ya."

At this point, I've learned to block his voice out quite well. However, there was still something he said that caught my attention.

"Mama Newt? The hell does that mean?"

He scoffed, as if I was the stupid one here for not knowing.

"Y'know, I'm pretty surprised you don't know about that yet. Considering how often you're with him of course. But whatever, it's basically a little inside joke about how Newt quite literally babies everyone as if we're his children! That dude's ridiculous sometimes, I swear."

"You're ridiculous, Noah. Now get out so I can get this done."

"Can I just stay here? Pleaseeee? I'll shut up. Whatever it takes so I don't gotta go back to Gally. He's so annoying to have as a boss." Noah pleaded, jutting his bottom lip out at me dramatically.


"1. Alby will not be happy with me if I do that, and 2. I know you will not be quiet. Sorry, kid, but I have to get this done."

He threw himself onto my bed as he screamed into my pillow, then proceeded to get up nonchalantly as if he didn't just do all that. "Okay, just make sure you're ready for the bonfire tonight then. Deal?"

I couldn't help but to shake my head and laugh at him before answering. "Fine then, deal."

"Oh, and Minho, Gally, and I planned something special for you. You'll either love it or hate it. Bye now!" he said suspiciously quickly.

"Wait, what do you-"

And the door slammed shut. Great, now I've got to try focusing again, but with even more on my mind.

A couple rough hours later, after lunch had passed, people were starting to finish up their work for the day. Including me. Just as I was re-organizing my desk and putting all my supplies back where they go, another un-welcomed guest was knocking at my door.

"Wonderland, open up! I know you're in there!"


"One sec!" I shouted back, now rushing.

The moment I touched the doorknob, Minho was sprinting inside as if my hut was the Maze.

"'re looking ugly as shuck."

"Thanks, I've been getting that a lot lately, especially from you." I said smiling, before unexpectedly smacking him on the arm.


"I'm not the Greenie anymore! Can't call me that." I snapped back, proudly crossing my arms across my chest.

"WHATEVER- ALICE...Oh, I forgot I can't threaten you. Or else I'll get put in the pit. Dammit."

Obviously I snickered at that. Being the girl of the Glade wasn't the best, but at least it gave me certain advantages I could use pettily in situations like these. Plus, this made me realize just how much of a Mini-Minho Noah was.

"What you laughin' at Wonderland?"

"Nothing...just the fact that Noah seems to take a lot of inspiration for his personality from you. What an odd person to look up to."

"I'll have you know, I'm a very good person to look up to. Surprised you don't wanna be me to be honest. And speaking of Noah, he and I needed to help you out with a little something."

"And what might that little something be?"

"Getting you ready."


"The Bonfire, obviously."

Minho, the guy who's only beauty product he's come into contact with is hair going to get me ready?

I scrunch my eyebrows and tilt my head at him, clearly confused, before asking, "Why would I need your help exactly? I'm pretty sure I'm capable of doing those things myself, Minho."

He pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head at me. "For Newt of course! We've got to make this bonfire extra special."

What is he talking about? Newt?

I guess I was silent for a little too long, because Minho was already starting to elaborate on what he was talking about.

"You like him! Like, like-like! You like-like him, Alice. We're gonna set you two up."

Oh no. Gally, Minho, and Noah- this won't go well. They're the definition of a trio of chaos!

"First of all, way too many "likes" were in that. Second of all, no. Not happening. I don't like him that way, and he probably feels the same about me. You're not doing this."

"Oh, yes I am." he chuckled.

"No, you are not!"

After a moment of silence, he...nodded?

"Fine, but at least let me be nice and get you ready still?"

"Uh, sureee?"

He was trying his best to hold back a sly grin. That definitely didn't reassure me at all. Next thing I knew, Minho grabbed a box he placed outside my hut. It was filled with jewelry, perfume, lip gloss, and a new outfit.

"Where the hell did you find all of this, dude?"

"Don't question my methods, Wonderland. Now go try the clothes on." he stated, waving me towards the tiny bathroom in my hut.

The outfit was shockingly cute, considering Minho must have picked it out. Dark blue flared jeans, light pink tank top, and a white cardigan. I was definitely looking too good to be in the middle of this stupid Maze.

"Oh, now I'm starting to see what Newt meant!" Minho exclaimed a bit too excitedly, clapping his hands as I stepped back into the main room and reluctantly spun in a circle to show myself off.

"Huh? What did Newt mean?"

"Shit. Nothing, nothing. All I know is that I'm a damn good fashionista. Just let me do your hair, pick some jewelry out for ya, and finish all the little details."

Honestly, this was starting to become a little fun. Plus, what could be the harm in looking a little nice for this occasion? 

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