To Be Selfish (Kakashi Hatake x Fem!Reader) (NSFW)

Start from the beginning

"Seems like Tenzo and Itachi are still in recovery after the last mission, so they couldn't come along. Honestly, though, this shouldn't require too much manpower. I don't know why the Hokage is having me take you," Kakashi coldly replies, even though the Hokage told him whether or not he made you come on this mission was up to his discretion since he's the captain of Team Ro.

"What's that supposed to mean?" You huff.

"It's supposed to mean that I could do it by myself."

"Then why am I here if I could be in bed right now, you fucker?"

"Just in case."

"See, you're not nearly as confident as you say you are."

"Don't question me. I am your captain."

And, as always, you immediately question him.

"What are we doing, anyway?"

"We've got a couple of B-rank assassins on our hands from Kusa. Our job is to take them out and dispose of their bodies."

"There's only two and they're both B-rank? Why are they sending us?" You scoff, rolling your eyes. "That's honestly a little insulting considering we both have S-ranks in their bingo books over there."

"While neither of them are particularly talented, their combo ability is dangerous," Kakashi says. When you open your mouth to ask yet another question, Kakashi interrupts by rambling on, mostly because he's skirting around explaining the enemies' jutsu to you... It's rather lewd and uncomfortable, to say the least. "That's why S-rank shinobi are required to take them down. Don't underestimate your opponent just because of their bingo book ranking. They could always be downplaying their strength."

"Well? Spill; what is it that these guys do?"

Kakashi freezes. In order to succeed in this mission, you have to be aware of what your enemies are capable of. Still- it's awkward to actually have to talk about something sexual, especially with you.

"It's, uh... Sex pollen," He stammers out after a little too long.

"Sex pollen?" You tilt your head back and laugh, pointing a finger at him as if he's joking- no, as if you're making fun of him- even when you can clearly see the embarrassment that's painted on his face. "Like in those weird fucking books you read?"

"Oh, shut up," Kakashi turns his body to avoid your gaze. Honestly, he prefers the way you were before- sweet and considerate of his feelings- but he also knows that your constant teasing makes him want you even more than he did before for whatever reason. He continues to avoid your eyes, but hands you the binder full of information about the shinobi you have to assassinate and their location so you can read through it. "Anyway... Yeah. The jutsu caster releases a type of pollen into the air from nearby plants that acts as an intense aphrodisiac. It's apparently so intense that, once you've inhaled it, it takes effect within half an hour and leaves you unable to do anything until you find relief."

You quirk a brow up at that, confusion lacing your expression.

"Find relief?"

Kakashi sighs.

"Are you really going to make me say it?"

"I need all the details I can get if we're going to fight these people, Kakashi. Don't be such a prude."

"Relief as in... Orgasm with another person. Pretty much, you're left without the ability to fight, so the enemy has an opening to kill you while you're vulnerable. If you somehow manage to escape them before it takes effect, but don't find the 'relief' you need to break the jutsu, it'll put so much pressure on your heart from the increased blood flow that you'll die after a few hours- that is, if you can resist the urge to screw whoever's closest. It's much different than natural human arousal, or even anything that any medications could cause."

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