Chapter XIII

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Anya's heart pounded in her chest as she rushed towards Elara's house, a sense of foreboding twisting her gut. The once pristine exterior bore the unmistakable scars of a brutal fight – shattered windows, a gaping hole in the roof, and scorch marks that marred the elegant facade.

With a tremor in her hand, she pushed open the heavy oak door, bracing herself for the worst. The interior was a scene of utter chaos. Furniture lay overturned, priceless antiques reduced to splinters, and a thick layer of dust coated everything like a shroud.

In the center of the room stood her father, Crainus. His metallic form was eerily still, his purple coat hanging limply from one arm, revealing a network of intricate mechanical upgrades beneath. But it was his face, or rather the lack of expression on what used to be his face, that sent a shiver down Anya's spine. His purple eyes, usually filled with a spark of life, were cold and lifeless, reflecting a well of anger and despair.

"Papa?" Anya called out, her voice trembling slightly.

Crainus whirred around, his metallic body jerking back as if startled. His gaze, devoid of its usual warmth, fell upon her, and for a moment, Anya saw a stranger staring back at her.

"Anya," he rumbled, his voice a metallic rasp devoid of its usual booming quality. "You shouldn't be here."

Anya rushed towards him, ignoring the debris littering the floor. "What happened?" she asked, her voice laced with concern. "Where's… where's Mom?"

A flicker of pain crossed Crainus's metallic features. He opened his mouth to speak, but no sound came out. He closed his eyes for a moment, then let out a heavy sigh, the sound echoing through the ruined room.

"It was the demon," he finally rasped, his voice low and heavy. "She… she took Elara."

Anya gasped, a cold dread gripping her heart. "Took her? What do you mean?"

Crainus explained, his voice a monotone devoid of his usual bravado. He recounted the confrontation, the revelation of Elara's imprisonment in the demon realm, the fierce fight, and the demon's desperate escape.

With each word, Anya's hope dwindled. The carefully constructed plan, the weapon she'd helped create – it all seemed pointless now. How could they save Vaporwarn if her mother was a hostage in the demon's clutches?

She watched as Crainus slumped against a broken pillar, his metallic form radiating a sense of defeat. This wasn't the invincible Lord Crainus she knew. This was a broken man, a father drowning in grief and rage.

Anya knelt beside him, her hand reaching out to touch his cold, metallic arm. "Papa," she said softly, her voice filled with a quiet determination. "We can't give up. We have to save Mom."

Crainus turned his gaze towards her, a flicker of emotion finally breaking through the mask of despair. "But how, Anya?" he rumbled, his voice thick with despair. "The demon realm… it's beyond our reach."

Anya hesitated for a moment, her mind racing. Then, a ray of hope pierced through the gloom. "The demon hunters," she said, her voice gaining strength. "They might know a way. They deal with these… extra-dimensional entities. Maybe…"

"The demon hunters?" Crainus scoffed, a metallic rasp escaping his lips. "They're nothing but archaic relics, clinging to outdated rituals. They wouldn't know a portal to the demon realm if it bit them."

Anya stood up, her chin held high. "Maybe not," she retorted. "But they're our best shot. We have to try, Papa. For Mom, for Vaporwarn."

Crainus studied her for a moment, a flicker of something akin to respect flickering in his purple eyes. He straightened his metallic form, his shoulders drawing back in a semblance of his former imposing posture.

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