Chapter IX

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The rusted gears of the abandoned greenhouse groaned in protest as Edgar wrestled with the massive steel door. The stench of damp earth and forgotten flora filled his nostrils, a stark contrast to the sterile air of their workshop.

"Ugh, this thing feels like it weighs a ton," Lee grunted, straining against the other side of the door.

Lisa, nimble and wiry, slipped through a gap she'd discovered near the rusted hinges. "Leave it to me, boys," she said with a sly grin, her nimble fingers working at the ancient lock. "Old things have their weaknesses, you just gotta know where to look."

With a satisfying click, the lock yielded, and the door creaked open a sliver. A wave of humid air washed over them, carrying the pungent aroma of decay and the faint scent of… something floral.

"Nightshade bloom, you think?" Edgar asked, his voice a low rumble.

Lisa peeked inside. "Only one way to find out," she replied, stepping through the opening.

The greenhouse interior was a tangled mess of overgrown vines and skeletal remains of once-majestic plants. Sunlight filtered through cracked panes of glass, casting long, distorted shadows across the uneven terrain.

The air crackled with a strange energy, making the hairs on the back of Edgar's neck stand on end. It felt… unnatural, as if the very greenhouse itself held a hidden malevolence.

"Keep your eyes peeled," Edgar murmured, drawing his crossbow and gesturing for Lee to do the same. "This place could be crawling with demons."

They advanced cautiously, navigating through the treacherous jungle of dead flora. Lisa, with her keen eyes and sharper senses, led the way, pointing out potential hazards and the telltale signs of demonic influence.

Suddenly, a guttural growl echoed through the greenhouse, followed by the clatter of dislodged stones. A hulking figure emerged from the shadows – a twisted parody of a gardener, its body stitched together from scraps of leather and metal, a twisted mockery of cultivation tools for hands.

"Demonic construct," Edgar hissed, cocking his crossbow. "Lee, take the left! Lisa, cover my flank!"

The battle was a flurry of whirring bolts, searing energy blasts, and the clang of metal against metal. Edgar, with his enhanced strength, waded into the fray, shattering the construct's bony limbs with his mechanical arm. Lee's crossbow bolts found their mark, peppering the creature with searing bolts of energy.

Lisa, a whirlwind of motion and razor-sharp blades, danced around the lumbering creature, exploiting its slowness and limited reflexes. With a final flurry of strikes, she sent the construct crashing to the ground, its unnatural life force sputtering out in a shower of sparks.

They caught their breath, their bodies humming with adrenaline. The humid air was thick with the metallic tang of blood and the acrid stench of burnt demon flesh.

"Nasty business," Edgar muttered, wiping a sheen of sweat from his brow.

Lisa, ever practical, scanned the area. "Alright, let's find this Nightshade bloom, then get out of this creepy place."

Following Lisa's lead, they delved deeper into the greenhouse, finally finding a small patch of vibrant purple flowers growing amidst the decay. Nightshade blooms, their petals pulsing with a faint, ethereal glow.

Lee carefully plucked one, placing it in a specially prepared container lined with protective wards. "There," he said, wiping his brow. "One down, two to go."

Next on their list – the celestial shard. The Stargazer's Observatory, once a beacon of knowledge and wonder, now stood as a crumbling ruin, a haven for reanimated astronomical constructs.

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