Chapter II

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The chill wind whipped around Anabelle's cloak as she slipped through a hidden entrance tucked away in the labyrinthine alleyways of the underbelly. The entrance, a rusty metal grating disguised by overflowing garbage cans, led to a series of interconnected tunnels and abandoned utility rooms – her makeshift haven.

Relief washed over her as she emerged into the dimly lit space. Moonlight, filtered through cracks in the city's metallic underbelly, cast an eerie glow upon the cluttered interior. Stacks of scavenged crates served as makeshift furniture, and cobwebs stretched across the exposed pipes that snaked along the walls.

Ignoring the musty smell and the occasional scurrying of unseen vermin, Anabelle made her way towards a cluttered table in the far corner. Tonight's foray into the abandoned library district had yielded a meagre haul, but hope flickered brightly in her heart.

Laying out her spoils on the table – a stack of dusty, brittle books and a few loose scrolls – she carefully unwrapped the precious food parcel Elara had provided. The familiar aroma of savory stew and honeyed bread momentarily banished the gnawing hunger and fatigue that had plagued her throughout the night.

"First, food," she muttered to herself, her stomach growling in agreement. As she devoured the meal, she perused the titles of the books, a mixture of frustration and anticipation building within her. "Mechanics of Energy Transfer," "History of Vaporwarn's Infrastructure," "A Treatise on Efficient Waste Disposal."

Disappointment gnawed at her. These weren't the books she craved, the ones that held the secrets of forgotten magic. With a sigh, she pushed them aside and focused on the scrolls. Their brittle parchment crackled as she unfurled them, revealing faded script and arcane symbols.

Then, a glimmer of hope. One of the scrolls, its edges singed and frayed, held a title that sent a thrill coursing through her: "The Imprisonment of Infernal Entities." Her heart pounded as her eyes devoured the faded text.

The scroll detailed an elaborate ritual for trapping demons – a complex spell fueled by potent ingredients and requiring the true name of the demon in question. Relief and frustration battled within her. This was a clue, a solid foundation upon which to build. But the ingredients – rare herbs, mystical stones, an artifact imbued with celestial energy – seemed impossible to acquire in this sterile, controlled city.

Dejected, she sank back against the crate, the weight of the task pressing down on her. Then, her gaze fell upon another scrap of paper tucked amongst the discarded loot. It was a weathered document, seemingly ripped from a larger journal. The faded ink revealed a single, intriguing sentence: "Seek out the Demon Hunters, whispers say they dwell in the Forgotten Wastes."

A spark ignited in Anabelle's eyes. Demon Hunters? Could these be the legendary warriors who once hunted and subdued infernal creatures? Hope rekindled within her. If they existed, they might possess the knowledge, the resources, to truly help her banish the demon from her father.

With newfound determination, she rose, her gaze fixed on the scrap of paper clutched in her hand. "The Forgotten Wastes," she murmured, the name sending a shiver down her spine. "Then that's where I'll go."

The journey ahead would be fraught with danger, the risks immense. But for her father, for the city she loved, she was ready to face the unknown. She tightened her cloak, the metallic gauntlet beneath brushing reassuringly against her arm. "Time to test your limits, Anya," she whispered, her voice firm with resolve. "Time to become the hunter."

The journey to the Forgotten Wastes was an arduous one. Anabelle had to navigate a treacherous labyrinth of abandoned factories, rusting wind turbines, and crumbling steel structures – the remnants of an age before Lord Crainus's iron fist. Each corner held the potential for danger, with the ever-present threat of metallic sentinels patrolling the outskirts of the city.

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