Chapter X

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The rhythmic clang of Crainus' metallic footsteps echoed down the sterile corridor, a stark contrast to the oppressive silence that usually clung to Anya's cell. A flicker of apprehension sparked within her. Her father rarely visited her on his own, and the uncertainty of his mood gnawed at her.

The metallic door hissed open, revealing Crainus' hulking figure. He stood a few feet away, his purple eyes scanning the cell before settling on Anya. But unlike his usual cold stare, a flicker of something new flickered within their depths – curiosity.

In his hand, he held something unfamiliar: Anya's mechanical gauntlet, the one she'd secretly built to defend herself. Her heart hammered against her ribs. Had they found it during a search? Was this the prelude to another outburst?

"Anya," he rumbled, his voice surprisingly gentle. "Did you create this?"

Anya hesitated, her gaze flickering between her father and the gauntlet. Then, with a deep breath, she straightened her shoulders. "Yes, Papa. I designed it according to the specifications you used for… your upgrades."

She held her breath, waiting for his reaction. She'd never dared to show him her inventions before, fearing his disapproval. But to her utter surprise, a smile tugged at the corner of his metallic lips – a rare sight that sent a wave of warmth through her.

"You… you built this?" he asked, his voice filled with a hint of awe. "The engineering… the detail… it's ingenious!"

Anya stared at him, bewildered. This wasn't the angry response she'd anticipated.

"You're… proud of me?" she stammered, the words catching in her throat.

Crainus walked closer, his metallic steps heavy against the floor. He held out the gauntlet towards her, his purple eyes softening. "Proud? Anya," he said, his voice gruff yet sincere, "you are a brilliant inventor, just like… like your mother."

Anya's breath hitched. The mention of her mother, a woman she barely remembered but who held a place of deep love in her heart, brought a wave of emotion crashing down on her.

Tears welled up in her eyes. "But Papa," she choked out, "you can't be proud of what I'm doing. You think the demon hunters are a threat…"

Crainus raised a hand, silencing her. "There is much I do not understand, Anya," he admitted, his voice softer than she'd ever heard it. "There are… whispers in my head. But seeing your ingenuity… your courage… it reminds me of who I once was."

Anya's heart ached for him. The man she knew, the brilliant inventor who cared deeply, was still there, fighting against the demon's hold.

"Papa," she whispered, her voice trembling. "There is a way to break free. We can fight this… together."

Crainus studied her for a long moment, his expression unreadable. The silence stretched, thick with emotions unspoken. Finally, he spoke, his voice gruff yet resolute.

"Perhaps," he rumbled. "Perhaps you are right. But first, we need to get you out of here."

Anya's eyes widened in surprise. Was this a turning point? Was her father finally on their side? A flicker of hope ignited within her. Maybe, just maybe, there was still a chance to save him, to save Vaporwarn, and to rebuild the bond between them. The fight was far from over, but for the first time in a long while, Anya felt a flicker of hope, a tiny flame refusing to be extinguished by the darkness that surrounded them.
The metallic hiss of the cell door opening echoed through the sterile corridor, a welcome sound to Anya's ears. Her father, Crainus, stood on the other side, his imposing form softened by a hint of vulnerability in his purple eyes.

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