Chapter V

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The melody of "I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire" faded into a static hiss, a brief silence settling over the room. Elara gazed into Crainus's eyes, a glimmer of hope flickering within them. It was a fragile hope, a fleeting glimpse of the man he used to be, but it was enough to spark a warmth in her heart.

Suddenly, the radio crackled violently, the smooth melody replaced by a burst of static and a distorted voice. Elara frowned, her hand tightening on Crainus's metallic arm.

The static cleared slightly, revealing a familiar song - "We'll Meet Again" by Vera Lynn - but something was different. The voice singing was hauntingly beautiful, yet laced with a chilling undertone. It wasn't the reassuring warble of the original singer; this voice held a mocking sweetness, a promise laced with venom.

Elara's blood ran cold. A shiver danced down her spine, a feeling of dread washing over her. Crainus, however, reacted with a violent fury. In a split second, his metallic hand shot out, grabbing the radio with crushing force.

A deafening screech echoed through the room as the casing of the radio warped and twisted under his grip. Sparks flew as internal components overloaded, smoke pouring from the mangled device.

"You!" Crainus roared, his metallic voice amplified and distorted by the malfunctioning radio. "You dare show your face in my home!"

Elara gasped, fear gripping her heart. Who was he talking to? There was no one else in the room.

Crainus continued to rage, his metallic body trembling with fury. He ripped the radio from the wall, its mangled remains dangling from his clenched fist.

"I will find you," he screamed, his voice echoing within the sterile space. "I will tear you apart, piece by piece! You will not escape me again!"

Elara stumbled back, terrified by the raw display of rage emanating from her husband. This wasn't the tentative man she had just danced with; this was the ruthless ruler, the embodiment of Vaporwarn's iron grip.

"Crainus!" she cried out, her voice barely audible amidst his roar. "Who are you talking to?"

Crainus ignored her, his cold, metallic eyes burning with an unholy fire. He tossed the destroyed radio aside, the mangled remains clanging to the floor.

"Stay inside," he commanded, his voice a low growl. "Do not leave this room until I return."

Before Elara could protest, he turned and stormed out, his metallic boots echoing loudly in the sterile hallway. As the heavy door shut with a resounding thud, Elara sank onto the couch, tears welling in her eyes.

The silence left behind was deafening, broken only by the faint hiss of escaping steam from the vents. The air crackled with a lingering energy, a chilling reminder of the unseen presence that had invaded their space.

Elara knew, with a horrifying certainty, who the voice on the radio belonged to. It was the Lady Demon, the entity that had enslaved her husband and choked the life out of Vaporwarn. And by some dark magic, it had managed to infiltrate their home, to taunt them in their most intimate space.

Fear constricted her throat, her heart thundering in her chest. Crainus was gone, driven into a frenzy by the demon's taunt. He would hunt it relentlessly, fueled by a rage that could only lead to destruction.

But Elara knew that even Crainus's immense power might not be enough. The Lady Demon was a creature of immense cunning and power, a being that had held Vaporwarn in its grip for eighteen long years.

Despair threatened to consume her, but then, a flicker of defiance sparked within her. Anya was out there, searching for a way to free her father. Elara couldn't succumb to fear. She had to be strong, for Anya, for Crainus, for the city she loved.

With a shaky breath, Elara rose to her feet. She wouldn't sit idly by while the world around her crumbled. The fight for Vaporwarn's freedom was just beginning.

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