"Why not? and I'm sorry" I says

"It's alright"
"He wasn't the best brother. He was always angry and aggressive. He hated me. He always got me in trouble. He killed my parents. He was a monster, but he let me live." He says

"I think everyone has a reason for being who they are" I say
"Even my father" I whisper.

We spend hours just talking and laughing. He told me about highschool and college,how he met Stefano and the gang.

"Wait,so you're saying,Stefano wasn't always this cold?" I ask

"Nope. He was the warmest person you'd ever meet. Till his father made him like this." He says with hatred.

Talking with Enzo was actually fun. I could talk to him about almost anything. But after much talking me decided to walk around.

"Isabbeeelllla" Enzo groans

"What now?" I ask chuckling.

"I'm tired of walking. Let's sit somewhere for a while" He says

We haven't even been walking for five minutes.

"Fine" I say walking over to a bench in the park.

"Finally" he says dramatically sitting on the bench.

I close my eyes as the cool breeze hits my face

"Isabella" Enzo calls out.

"Hmmm?" I reply

"I want ice cream" he says

"You're a grown man,get it yourself" I reply and he chuckles causing me to smile

We both get ice cream and decide to go home.

"We've been out of 6 hours" I say

"Wow" Enzo replies

"Well I had fun" I say walking up the stairs to the front door.

"yeah you did" Enzo says opening the door.

"Where the hell have you guys been?" Elena ask immediately we walk in

"Park" we echo at the same time

"why weren't you answering your phones?" Elena asks

"Did something happen?" Enzo asks

"No,but you're suppose to answer your phone. Isabella, Stefano's furious" Elena says

"Why? I was just out with Enzo" I reply.

"Just out with Enzo!" Stefano roars

"Stefano, chill. Everything's fine" Enzo says

"Shut the hell up Enzo before I fire multiple shots in your leg" Stefano says

"As for you" He sayd looking over to me
"Are you dumb?"he adds

"Nope.I'm pretty brilliant" I reply calmly.

"Ohhh,you think this is a joke" Stefano says

"No,but I think you're taking this too far." I reply still very calm.

"Too far! You got kidnapped and tortured and poisoned the last time you were out" Stefano says

"Alone" I say

"What?" He fires back

"I was out alone.This time,I had Enzo" I say


"Then what is? You want me to be so safe,yet you don't even allow me to train." I say rolling my eyes

"Don't you dare roll your eyes at me" he says

Isabellaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें