Chapter 8: The Stealing Kitty

Start from the beginning

"What d.." Zatanna got cut off

"Wait" a police siren went off as Spider-man tokd her to wait "There it is" Spider-man said and quickly put his arm around Zatannas waist

Zatanna blushed quickly "Uhm.."

"Oh sorry" Spider-man said, knowing he should have warned Zatanna "Hold on tightly" He added before shooting a web out

Spider-man started to swing, while he held Zatanna very tightly, not to accidently drop her

Zatanna on the otherhand held on as tightly as she could, while looking at the buildings they passed quickly

"This looks like fun" Zatanna said, getting a bit more used to the swinging

"It is fun but, it can also get tiring after a while" Spider-man said as he and Zatanna reached a building

They saw someone run out of the building holding a bag full of jewelry

"Pots" Zatanna said, making the female stop right in her tracks

"That is cool, and this isn't yours" Spider-man said taking the bag away from the female robber

"So the myths are true. Spider-man is real" The female said, then noticed Zatanna "And he's taken"

"What?" Both Spider-man and Zatanna said

The female robber chuckled as the spell from Zatanna wore off

"Not so fast" Spider-man said, shooting web at robbers legs

"That's not a way to treat a kitty" The robber said as she cut herself free, with her claws

"Kitty? What are you talking about?" Spider-man asked, getting ready to fight

"I guess she got something for cats. She might be like Catwoman" Zatanna said

"Catwoman? Honey i'm Black Cat" Black Cat said getting ready to fight the two

Spider-man got ready and was about to strike but, he was stopped

"You wouldn't hit a lady, would you?" Black Cat said trying to make Spider-man get confused

"Say's who?" Spider-man sweaped Black Cats legs, making her fall to the ground

Zatanna chuckled at this

"I thought you'd just stop" Zatanna said, chuckling

"Why? A criminal isn't someone who won't be beat up just because of their gender" Spider-man said, making Zatanna realize that for him a criminal is a criminal no matter what gender they have

"Thats actually good to know" Zatanna said as she used her magic powers to hold Black Cat down

"New York. How do you like it so far?" Spider-man asked Zatanna, curious of how she feels about New York

"It's fine. I mean more crime than in Happy Harbour and less than in Gotham" Zatanna answered

"Glad you like it here" Spider-man said

"Why do the Avengers never deal with small criminals too?" Zatanna asked, as police arrived and took Black Cat with them

"The Avengers see it as street level work. Meaning only me and other street level heros should worry about that" Spider-man answered

"Well that's just a way to call them lazy" Zatanna said to Spider-man

"Well it's just how the.." Spider-man was cut off by a police officer

"Spider-man we- we uhm..." the police officer couldn't talk, so the other one just spoke

"The criminal got away. Could you and your girlfriend maybe help us catch the girl?" the second police officer said

"Great. Yeah okay, also we aren't together" Spider-man said to the police officers "Zee i'm going to put my arm around your waist" he told Zatanna, as he put his arm around her waist

"Thanks for the warning" Zatanna said and put her arms around him tightly, holding onto him

Spider-man shot a web out getting ready to swing, while holding Zatanna "You ready?" He asked Zatanna

"Yeah. I'll try to enjoy it this time" Zatanna said, being a bit flirty with Spider-man

"Flity, huh?" Spider-man said as he began to swinging, while holding Zatanna

"Well, why not?" Zatanna countered with the question

"Thats a good argument" Spider-man said while swinging with Zatanna in his arm

"Lets get Black Cat before we botch this mission too" Spider-man said still swinging with Zatanna in his arms, enjoying how she was holding onto him

"It feels romantical. I mean the way you hold me Spidey~" Zatanna flirted, trying to catch Spider-man off guard

"Maybe i'm trying to make you like it" Spider-man answered, still swinging whit Zatanna in his arm, trying to find where Black Cat went

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