Chapter 105: To Break A Don

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Even while the call rang out and men rushed about him, Duke found himself still frozen in Omen's doorway at the broken window, a plate of spilled flowery strawberries at his feet. Smears of strawberry juice ruined the polished black of his shoes.

The glass from the broken window glittered on the floor. Outside the trees bloomed and the birds twittered as though nothing were amiss.

The almost full-grown Jaxon lay still against a wall, a bloody hole shot through his chest.

A hand on his shoulder shook him.

"Boss. Oy, did you hear me?"

Cromwell's too big mouth made an impressive frown. All knobs and lines.

His blond mini-me frowned at his side.

Duke blinked at the teenage boy that was suppose to always be at Mimi's side in these cases, just for these cases, then looked back at Cromwell.


"I haven't even gotten to my computer yet."

"Then what are you doing here?" Duke growled it from the depths. No one should be still. Mimi was gone. His baby girl was taken. Missing. Her beloved cat was dead on the floor, just to add insult to injury. The whole world should be upended.

"Shaking you out of it," said Cromwell. "We'll find her."

Cromwell's son nodded furiously, a perfect yes-man to his father.

Duke found himself looking at the two of them a lot longer than he should. Time had gotten wonky since he opened Omen's door with the offering of strawberries now decorating his shoes. Each second went on for far too long. Each minute was an eternity.

Cromwell was right. Duke wasn't helpless. He had tools he could use, things he could do. What was wrong with him? Omen was already several steps ahead of him by having swept away his unconscious wife to find a doctor, all with a phone to his ear to issue orders to his men.

Duke nodded. Cromwell gave his shoulder a hard squeeze before finally letting go.

"Let's go, Jules."


Father and son set off at a run, back to their nest at the top of the mansion.

Duke left the spilled strawberries at a quick walk, taking out his phone. Now that he knew the existence of demons, he understood better why Louis had always been the best at procuring people, not just for his brothels.

But the phone kept ringing. Louis wasn't picking up.

A heavy, sick feeling dropped in Duke's gut.

Of course. Of course.

He went to the basement.

"Honrye!" he cried. "Oy! I know you aren't dead! Honrye!"

Once down in that cold, damp hallway he hated so much, he kicked open the door to the demon's bedroom.

The cartel kid jumped a foot in the air from where he was reading a book on the floor. He'd had a bed added to Honrye's room when he'd been given to the demon. Duke didn't miss how the cartel kid's bed was well made and conservative in color compared to the bright, Poke'mon mess which was the demons. The ugly monster really was a bad demon.

"Honrye!" he roared.

A flicker. Then a small ball of wings appeared curled on the bed.

"What?" growled a weak, angry voice.

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