Chapter 25: The Stealing Guy

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After a few weeks, and a few snack-laden retreats to the garden, Mimi was allowed to explore the manor as long as she was accompanied by Serena, Omen, or 'the boss.' She'd been visited by Mr. Cricket a few times, which she managed by never looking at him, but on her continued insistence that he made her uncomfortable, her fa—Duke, her kidnapper, agreed to find someone else to visit with her. While she explored the ornate halls and rooms of her new home, she kept an eye out for Duke, or more likely, his demons, which she had still to see clearly.

She didn't get too far before she begin to see the shadows of demons. Most demons, especially those not attached to someone, avoided her gaze, so the most she saw was a disappearing tail, the edge of a retreating horn, a scuttle of spidery legs, or perhaps the flicker of a leathery wing. She'd had only ever seen glimpses of demons with wings and she shivered at the thought of meeting one.

Serena's demon hadn't come along, though, so Mimi found herself able to actually enjoy her surroundings for once. Much of what she saw she'd only seen in movies or pictures. Even as a kid raised in low-budget housing, she could see the money put into the wallpaper, the furniture, the décor, and the floor. She could even feel it in the skirts of the little dress she wore. She'd only ever worn dresses for Church, and even then they were second-hand, faded things with strings hanging out in odd places. This one, however, was soft and bright, with a full, fluttering skirt that went to her shins and gave her more maneuverability than pants ever did. It also had long sleeves to cover the scars on her arms, which had been Mimi's only request when they'd asked her for what she wanted in her new clothes. It even had pockets to hold the little treats that Omen would slip her occasionally, probably to try and bribe her into liking him. She wasn't stupid. But it might be working a tiny bit.

She walked around barefoot, all the better to feel the smooth tiles and thick, elaborate rugs and soft carpets.

Her room was on the third level overlooking the garden. The master's room was just next door to hers. They both had their own bathrooms attached to their rooms, and she had fun ooing and awing at his humongous bed and the bathtub that could hold five people. It was more of a pool than a tub.

"That must kill your water bill," she'd said.

"My exact thoughts," said Serena.

Despite the occasional slinky demon on her shoulder, Mimi could say she really liked Serena. She never talked to Mimi like she was a baby and never tried to soften the truth. Mimi felt she could always trust Serena to display exactly what she felt, whether that be mad, irritated, happy, sad, or amused. Serena had also said she'd grown up a lot like Mimi in a country that wasn't as nice as America, and even took the time to teach Mimi some Spanish. But, more importantly, it meant Serena could understand Mimi's need to feel grown up. Being a kid sucked. Yet, it also meant Serena could help explain to Mimi why it was okay to be a kid too, and even why it was fun.

It was Serena by her side when Mimi walked into the absolutely enormous kitchen on the main floor level. The moment they walked in, she let out a shriek which shaved several years off Mimi's life.


A boy appeared from behind an open, chrome fridge door. He had light blond hair that was almost white and a slice of ham sticking out of his mouth.

"For the last time, the master's kitchen is not your snack bar!"

The boy, who could have been a few years older than Mimi, pulled the ham from his mouth, but not before filling his cheeks with a bite. "Aw, lay off, hag, I'm a growing kid."

But Serena was already around the island counter and raising her hand. He flinched back into the fridge, but not fast enough to miss a hard smack over his head. He squawked.

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