Chapter 53: Camping with the Mafia

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 Duke watched as a film seemed to be peeled away from Mimi the moment she stepped out onto mountain grass and trees. It was as though the five hour drive had never happened. She spread her arms out, pigtails and ribbons bouncing with each movement, the sun turning her hair to gold like the threads of her bows.

He half expected her to start yodeling or screaming. But she just spun about some more, face up to the sky, before falling back on a patch of grass, dirt, and perhaps a poor fern.

A weight seemed to lift off him as well.

Omen was still some ways behind them, struggling to follow through the lack of roads to the untouched wild clearing Duke and Mimi had found. Warrior extraordinaire Omen may be, but it took some skill to drive off road, which Omen had none of.

Duke let Mimi have her nature time as he set about unfolding the outdoor kitchenette and digging out the bug spray and sunblock.

When he pushed the button to start rolling out the canopy, Mimi finally sat up.

"Stop that," she said. "That noisey—ugh, there's trees! You don't even need that shade!"

He lifted his finger off the botton, leaving the patio shade half-out and cutting off the little motors noise. "Wow, you're picky."

"The mountains are freaking breathing and you're missing it by messing with your toys, why don't you just appreciate it for a moment?"

"That's called a breeze, kid."

"Clean, unpolluted breeze. Which you're ruining. No motors!"

"It's almost out."


But since she threw herself back down, he went ahead and finished rolling it out. Hey, love or not, he still was boss. There was suppose to be a drizzle sometime this evening and he didn't want to bother with it when he was half-way through cooking.

Her pickiness about her nature amused him.

When he turned back around from finishing his set up, she'd gotten up and had already wandered some way a ways to the other side of the clearing, her face up to the mountain face watching them. Aspens whispered about him in a gentle breeze.

"Hey," he barked.

She looked back at him.

"Don't wander too far!" The last thing he needed was a bear scare or something equally traumatizing.

But she at least nodded and continued her trek towards the trees clapping their leaves as though some fairy spirit was calling to her.

He watched her for a moment longer before the crunch of tires and the rumble of engine announced Omen finally reaching them. He saw Mimi give the noisy LandRover a nasty look before it too shut off.

"I've got news, sir," said Omen the moment he was out. He looked strange not dressed in his usual formal black. Both he and his wife wore relaxed jeans, t-shirts, and hiking boots.

Said wife looked out at Mimi who had turned back to her exploring and made her way through the grass towards her with a little smile.

"I didn't bring my phone for a reason," said Duke flatly. Not that it would even get signal out here. Knowing Omen, though, he'd brought a satellite phone just in case.

"It is only to calm any apprehension that may seek to disturb your vacation," said Omen with a bob of his head. "The Cartel has sent a tribute, an apology, and a paper trail for Orwell Fernandez. Their new go-between, Juan Ramirez, also passed the background check and has been offered up as collateral while you complete your investigation into Orwell."

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