Chapter 39: Death by Coconut Fungi

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Important, but mostly interesting note from the author: I noticed most, if not all of you, are struggling with the pronunciation of Honrye's name. 'Honrye' comes from a name in The Book of Mormon that, for reasons I have yet to learn, was considered sacred as the man who held the name was referred to as 'The Brother of Jared.' The only reason we know his name is because of a tradition of naming landmarks after people, and during the journey of the people of Jared they named a certain (I think it was?) valley: Mahonri Moriancumer. 'Mahonri' is pronounced Mah-hawn-rye (as in the grain, rye). As you can probably see already, Honrye comes comes from Mahonri. The way to pronounce Honrye's name is Hawn-rye (as in the grain). 

I picked this name because, according to The Book of Mormon, the Jaredites were a people who originated at the tower of Babel. Because of the prayers of the brother of Jared, which he did at the behest of his brother, Jared and his brother, their family, and some close friends were spared having their language befuddled by God like the rest of the people. This meant they had the original language taught to Adam by God. In short, the Jaredites spoke God's language, and those who translated the language in the Book of Mormon attested to it's brilliance and clarity being unlike any language known. I figured that a demon who has never been born as a human and therefore never named by the scrambled languages of man would have a name from God's original language. He'd have the name originally given to him from God. Thus, I went with a part of the most unique name I knew of said to be from God's original language.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk. 


Having a mafia boss lounging on your mermaid colored bed was weird, Mimi decided.

It had been a good half hour since the metal shutters had lifted and even longer since the alarm had gone off. Omen had covertly vanished when Duke had appeared in her doorway with a stress line between his eyebrows. It was a canyon on his well-manicured face that Mimi had noticed early on and hadn't missed the opportunity to point out.

Mimi put down her fungi book to consider whether or not her self-proclaimed father had fallen asleep. His eyes were closed, but she hadn't been keeping track of his breathing. Not that she could ever tell when someone was asleep based on their breathing like book characters could.

So, she poked him.

He grunted.

"It's alive," she said, flat as old soda.

His nearest arm poked her back on the knee.

"Oh no, I've been struck," she said, still as flat.

He huffed a single, quiet chuckle out his nose, hardly a laugh at all.

She watched him for a moment longer, or rather, the shadowy outline he always had. It had been much more pronounced when he had come into her room, almost like a fog, but since then it had shrunk to a mere outline. Sometimes it made him look like a character in a comic book, having such a bold outline. She put her chin on her palm and once again tried to think of where she had seen something similar. But couldn't. Duke was one of a kind.

"See anything?"

She jerked a bit, not expecting him to ask something like that, at least with his eyes closed.

"Like what?"

"What else?" his hand imitated a flopping fish in the poof of her purple and blue comforter. "Demons."

She frowned, and just for him glanced around, even though she knew there was nothing. Even if she couldn't see them she could still feel when they were around.

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