Chapter 25: Kelsey's Dream

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I was still running. The voices were reverberating everywhere in the dark space. Not just Mr. Maurizio's and Mrs. Gailon's, but everyone's voice could be heard, from Ruth to Cathleen to even Sarah. They jeered, screamed, and cajoled as I tore down an endless path trying to get away.

On each side of the path, people called out to me. One side had Mr. Maurizio and my parents waving to me from the circus, urging me to come back home.

See what they see

Trust the circus

Lisa fine

Make the right choice

Do your chores

On the other side, Sarah and her family stood in Oregon telling me the same thing.

The's dangerous

You'll die like your parents

Stop trying so hard

Come home

We miss you

Others also shouted at me unseen but just as insistent.

We...aren't in need of your services

You can't cook...'ll never be a good trainer

You shouldn't be here... can't be trusted

I tried to run away but it was like I was on a treadmill. They moved with me in the void. There was no escaping them as they got closer and closer, pressing in on each side.

I screamed and moaned trying to drown them out. "Leave me alone," I cried.

The voices only got louder in response.

The circus needs you                                                 

                                                      I'm take you home

...just go back...

I couldn't go back. I couldn't keep going. I was slowing. I was too tired to run, too tired to even walk. I stopped and curled into a ball. The voices were everywhere. I covered my ears, but they were in my head.

"Make it stop," I cried out, "Please make it stop."

I rocked myself back and forth. I could feel both sides moving closer to me. I could sense their hands reaching for me. I knew if they got to me. They would pull me apart, limb from limb like a pack of lions.

I felt something move right in front of me. I squeezed my eyes shut. 

This was it. I was going to die.

Then a roar pierced through the din. 

It seemed to shake the whole world. It was louder than sound leaving nothing in its wake.

There was silence at last. 

I opened my eyes and looked up. I saw a pair of blue eyes staring back at me.

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