Chapter 21: Family Dinner

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We entered the restaurant. It was an Italian place, the sort made for large family gatherings and small children. This early, it was still at acceptable levels of racket, but I knew the place would become more hectic as the night wore on.

In short, it was just the sort of place Mr. Maurizio would love.

A smiling waitress led me and Mrs. Gailon to a table and we sat down. I sat next to the head of the table, figuring that Mr. Maurizio would sit there. To my dismay though, Mrs. Gailon sat at the other end of the table with the same look she'd been wearing for most of the car ride.

Before I could say anything, Heather, Mrs. Gailon's eldest daughter, and Nick, Heather's husband, showed up. Heather sat across from her Mom and Nick next to Heather. As soon as they sat down, Heather asked, "Where's Cathleen?"

Mrs. Gailon huffed out a response I couldn't hear. The Gailon boys came next and filled in most of the spaces between me and everyone else. Then Keith slid in at the head of the table.

"Hey, Kelsey," he said with that innocent smile.

I glared at him, "Isn't your uncle going to sit there?"

"Uncle Maurizio," he said, his eyes widening, "Why ever would you think that? He'll sit next to my dear mother of course."

I frowned and looked at the table. There were two spots left: one spot between Jeffery and Mrs. Gailon and another spot across from me.

Mr. Maurizio arrived and, as Keith predicted, he sat down next to Mrs. Gailon at the other end of the table.

Then, just as the waitress returned to ask about drinks, Cathleen emerged from the bathroom. She still looked... off. Her smile was too big and I thought that her face was flushed. Mr. Maurizio must not have noticed because he smiled. "There you are, mi scimmia. I was growing worried. It's rare for me not to be the last at the table. Now come, sit down and join us."

Cathleen stared at the table and a look of annoyance crossed her face when she saw the last spot was with me and Keith. Keith waved while I found myself hoping that look was for him. 

I watched Cathleen sink into her seat, not making eye contact. She just propped up her menu which blocked both mine and Keith's view of her. 

I frowned. I hoped she was alright.

Keith only grinned. I could just tell he was plotting. 

"Hey Keith," I said. "Stop."

He cocked his head to the side. "Stop what?"

I frowned at him. "Whatever you're planning to say. Have some compassion for once."

Keith blinked. "Always so harsh, Kelsey. I'm super compassionate."

I scowled at him. He just smiled, but I suppose that was better than him talking.

We kept up our staring contest until the server came up to ask about my drink order. I was forced to glance down at the menu. As I ordered a root beer float, Keith whispered something into Cathleen's ear. I saw her knuckles go white.

I was ready to tell Keith off, but then the waitress turned to him and Keith waffled. He asked the server about their alcohol options, knowing full well he was too young to drink. Then he and the waitress began a lengthy discussion on the best drinks. In the meantime, I tried to catch Cathleen's eye, but she wouldn't look up from her menu. I couldn't stop worrying.

When the waitress moved on to Cathleen, Keith leaned towards me, his eyes sparkling.

"What?" I said.

"Don't you want to know what has Cathleen so upset?" he whispered.

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