35 : the heart of the mansion

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Luna was lost in her thoughts in her parents room she was seating on the floor watching sun set through the window that casted into her parents room.

When she noticed an old radio covered in dust on the floor . she grabbed an old rag and began dusting off the radio , curious to see if it's still worked .

After cleaning it up , she turned it on , expecting to hear some music or maybe an old radio show .

But instead , what she heard shocked her to the core , the news reporter voice filled the room , announcing that a criminal named Luna was missing.

But that wasn't the worst part, the reporter went in to say that Luna was being accused of fraud , embezzlement and property destruction.

It was like a punch to the gut as she couldn't believe what she was hearing , to make matters worse , the news mentioned that anyone who found Luna will be rewarded with a staggering amount of 50 Millon won and to add another twist , Luna's best friend hae  Jin had been arrested as her alleged accomplice.

Luna's mind was racing , she couldn't fathom , how yeo seop the person who loved her so much could turn on her like this .

She knew in her heart that yeo seop must have grow an unforgivable hatred towards her .

She just had to accept that fact .

Without wasting anytime , Luna grabbed her bag and rushed out of her parents room .

She knew she had to find solution to help her friend , no matter the cost .

Luna , with a sense of urgency , hastily made her way towards the grand entrance of the mansion but just as she was about to rush out , she collided with Mr Kang , who stood there in a striking all black attire exuding an air of mystery .

Luna's heart skipped a beat as she looked up at him , a mixture of surprise and curiosity in her eyes .

Mr Kang , maintaining his composure , calmly inquired about Luna's hasty departure " haejin is in danger  I have to save her " her voice filled with mixture of desperation and determination .

Luna explained that haejin had been unjustly arrested due to her own actions .

She couldn't fathom how yeo seop , someone she once trusted could stoop so low .

The injustice burned within her , fueling her resolve to bring an end to this ordeal .

Before Luna could finish her sentence , Mr Kang reached into depths of his black ensemble and handed her a mysterious black envelope .

Luna's hand trembled with a mix of anticipation and trepidation as she gingerly opened it .

Inside , she discovered a meticulously drawn map of  a house , it's intricate details hinting at secrets waiting to be uncovered .

Confusion washed over Luna's face as she looked up at mr Kang who wore a serious expression.

He informed her that with the culmination of the tumultuous journey .

It was time to seek revenge , ''Revenge''the word echoed in her mind, stirring a whirlwind of emotions.

Yet , deep down she knew that she couldn't let this chance skip through her finger .

With a flicker of determination in her eyes , Luna nodded to Mr Kang silently acknowledging their newfound alliance .

Luna's anger burned hotter than ever as she stared at Mr Kang , her eyes filled with a vengeful fine .

The intentions of her parents murder only fueled her determination to make Mr Ahn pay for his heinous crimes .

She clenched her fists , the maps of Mr  ahns house crumpling in her grip .

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