18 : LEAVE

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It feels as if someone was watching my every move , there is something crispy about Mr Kang .

Why was he not able to save me himself .

Why did he had to give yeo seop the order to save me .

Was he testing him ?

Different thoughts swept through my mind as I made my way to his room .

It was already 40 minutes late and the doctor informed me that I can see him after 40 minutes.

The scent of antiseptic filling the air and I could hear the soft hum of medical equipment and distant chatter of nurses .

Finally , I reached his door and gentily pushed it open , the room was dimlit with the soft glow of a bedsick lamp casting a warm and intimate ambiance.

The sound of his steady heartbeat provided a comforting rhythm in the silence .

My eyes met with his and I could see alot of pain and emotions on his face .

He was staring at me from the door step with a warm smile on his face .

I approached the bed , my steps light and cautious.

The crisp white sheet cradled him as he lay there , his face peaceful despite the pain he has endured .

" Am happy you are safe " he whispers calmly making my heart flutter .

I took his hand , feeling the warmth and strength that still lingered within his touch .

I still couldn't believe he could put his life at risk just to save mine.

Our fingers inter winned , a tangible connection between us .

With a soft smile , I leaned in closer and sat down beside him on the bed.

" You are unbelievable" my voice barely a whisper.

He smiled at me and gave me a gentle peck at the back of my hand , it's as if stand still and all I could feel was butterfly fluttering in my stomach.

" You are beautiful " he said softly , I blushed at him and quickly let go of his hand .

" Why did you do it " I ask him but he just smiled at me " I like you " he confessed his feelings, I was mesmerized by what he said .
" How did you know I was there" I ask trying to  change the topic .

He was quiet for sometime then he tried to get up , so I help him to seat him on the bed .

He had a bandage wrapped around his stomach extending up to his neck.

" Well " he continue while staring at me " an unknown number message me that you were in danger " he said .

" Who do ....." I wanted to ask him a question but he interrupt me " the same person who tried to kill you may also be the same who message me to save you " he said .

I was stunned by what he just said to me, Mr Kang Can never try to harm me but how then did he know I was in danger .

I felt someone held my hand tightly which woke me up from my thoughts " you don't need to think too much just promise me that you will be safe " he exclaimed.

I nod at him but he gave me a warm embrace pulling me close to his arms .

I could hear the rhythmic thump of his heartbeat beneath my ear as I rested my head on his chest .

Just as we were lost in each other embrace , someone entered the room , causing us to break apart .

I pulled away from his arms , momentarily distracted by the sudden interruption.

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