Chapter 36- Party

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"So, have we decided what our costumes are going to be?" Robin asked as they waited for the other Winx along with Ruby, Livy and Kaylus.

"Stella thinks we should wear our Fairy outfits which kind of reminds me, I don't think I've ever seen your transformation." Ruby answered, smiling as she watched Livy and Kaylus play tag.

"Oh trust me, you are going to love it. I look fantastic." They said smugly.

"Modesty aside."

"Ruby, Robin." A voice called from behind them. The two turned around and greeted the Winx and Pixies with warm smiles as they walked up to them, accompained by the Ghouls and another unkown Pixie.

"Hi, Jolly." Livy greeted cheerfully, hurrying to hug the new Pixie that was dressed in a colorful jongleur-like attire. "Ruby, Robin this is my sister Jolly, the Pixie of Cards."

"Hey, it's nice to meet you." Robin greeted.

"Nice to meet you too. You're Livy's bonded Fairy am I right?" Jolly asked to which Robin nodded happily. "Well I've heard great things about you... sir? Miss? Fairy?"

"Fairy's fine." Robin said, chuckling lightly.

"You're the Pixie of Cards?" Ruby asked. "How good are you at gambling? And if you're good then I think we can strike a deal here so I can get some money."

"Ruby, no." Bloom scolded hitting the back of her sister's head. "Ignore her Jolly. What was it that you were saying to me before we got here?"

"Oh yes of course. I read the cards earlier. I saw the caravan, the travellers on a journey. I also saw the frightened faun and the three faceless sisters." Jolly said, looking at the Fairies alarmed.

"Huh-huh, I don't know what you're talking about, but we'll keep that in mind." Ruby said, sharing a confused glance with Kaylus.

"She constantly speaks in riddles. It really gives a person a headache." Kay said, rolling her eyes.

"Girls, hush." Bloom scolded. "What does that mean, Jolly?"

"It means that there is danger looming over the travellers, which means us. And the three faceless sisters mean that wickedness is hovering or betrayal." The Pixie explained, flying closer towards Bloom. "My Fairy and Pixie friends, do not go to the party, a cruel trick awaits. You will not be able to tell truth from lies."

"Uhm, I'm a great lie detector thank you and a fucking halloween party can't be anything worse than fighting Shadow Monsters made of tar." Ruby said, dismissing the Pixie's warning.

"Come one girls, Gardenia is waiting." Stella said, grabbing her scepter after transforming into her Fairy form.

"Thank you for the prophecy, Jolly. The three sisters could be the Trix, but then again, why would they ever go to Gardenia?" Bloom asked.

"Right, so let's just worry about having fun tonight." Livy said.

"Yes." The Ghouls said at the same time, however their excitement was very short lived as Ruby galred at them.

"Uhm, excuse me. Who said you could go with us?" The Fairy asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, come on, Ruby. It's a party." Greg whined.

"In what way do you think anyone would take it kindly to see three Ghouls walking around? They'd probably take you away to experiment on you." Ruby argued crossing her arms.

"But it's a costume party. We could just pretend to be wearing one." Garry suggested, proud for his idea.

"Are you serious?" Ruby asked, unamused. 

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