Chapter 14- The Professor

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Ruy woke up with a terrible hedache and a weight on her chest which had her groaning in both pain and annoyance.

"I told you guys to stop sleeping on top of me." The redhead said, with a surprisingly hoarse voice, thinking she was talking to one of the ghouls or Kaylus. Looking down, she was surprised to have a mass of brown hair on her face. She moved it out of the way reveling Ebony sleeping on her. "Huuuuh?"

"She was really worried about you, Ruby." Flora said, coming out of the bathroom with wet hair. "She sat next to you for a while yesterday and I guess she fell asleep. Robin was here too."

"What happened?" Ruby asked, carefully moving Ebony off of her and onto the matress. She stood up and walked towards her friend. "The last thing I remember is being frustrated for not being able to destroy that stupid rock and then I completely blacked out."

"You and Bloom tired yourselves out yesterday trying to destroy that stone." Flora said, fiddling with her fingers nervously. "And then some man brought you two back. You were unconscious. "

"I guess I got too angry at that stupid thing. Sorry if we worried you." Ruby said, smiling softly at her friend. 

"Faragonda wants to see us."

"Of course she does. I've never been to the Principal's office so many times in such a short period and I assure you, I used to fuck up a lot back on  Earth's highschool." She joked, but her smile fell, when she saw Flora's scared and worried expression, her eyes looking between the redhead and the desk. "Hey, Buttercup, what's wrong? I'm alright, and I'm sure Bloom's too, wherever she is."

"No, that's not... I'm not worried about... Ruby as anyone been bothering you lately?" Flora stuttered, panic evident in her eyes.

"What do you mean?" Ruby asked, furrowing her eyebrows confused. 

Flora sighed and walked up to the desk she kept glancing at. That's when Ruby noticed an open envelope on it, which left even more confused.

"I didn't mean to open it, I didn't know it was for you." Flora immediately said as she handed it to her friend.

Looking at the Plant Fairy warrily, Ruby took the envelope from her hands and opened it. Inside there was a letter, written in a very delicate handwritting. Her breath hitched as she read through it, recognizing the handwritting as the one from her stalker.

'My Dear Ruby,
I know you got rid of my previous gift and it was really rude of you. I would've forgive you if I didn't know why you did it.
You're mine and I don't enjoy sharing. If you ever see them again, you'll be punished and they'll pay for touching you.
With endless love,
Your Sunshine.'

"Well, if there's something this girl is not is a sunshine." Ruby said, with fake confidence ripping the paper. "And I'm assuming is a girl because no straight guy is such a sweet talker. Well, not quite sweet but, you get what I mean."

"No, Ruby, I don't. Who's this person? Have they bothered you before?" Flora asked, watching her friend grab her bag from her closet.

"Once, they sent me a few pictures of myself." Ruby answered, kissing Ebony on the head before walking out of the room, Flora following her. 

"And you're just acting as if you don't care? Ruby that's really unhealthy. Maybe you should consider going back to your sessions with Dr. Wilson." Flora advised.

"Flora, I'm fine." Ruby assured her. "And of course I care, I'm just choosing not to panic. When the time comes to face this crazy stalker I'll be calm and prepared."

"Are you sure you have nothing to worry about?" Flora asked as the two stopped in front of Faragonda's office.

Ruby smiled at her and cupped her cheeks, kissing her on the forehead and letting it linger for a second.

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