Chapter 5- Stalker

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Ruby ran through the halls of Alfea until she reached the infirmary. Taking care of an unconscious girl sounded better to her than to have another class that day.

She opened the door and entered the nurse's office.

"Hello, Nurse Ofelia." Ruby greeted with a smile. "Can I..."

"Go see the girl, Ruby. You don't have to ask any more at this point." The nurse said with a kind smile. "Just so you know, your friends Musa and Flora are already there."

"Alright, thanks." 

The redhead exited the office and headed towards the girl's room where Flora and Musa indeed were. Musa paced around the room humming a tune while Flora wetted a cloth and placed it on the girl's forehead.

"Oh, hello Ruby." Flora greeted with a bright smile as her friend sat down on a chair next to the bed. "Why are you not in the next class?"

"Why aren't any of you in the next class?" Ruby asked back smiling cheekily.

"Touché." Musa said with a chuckle.

"I got worried about her in the middle of the class so I asked Musa to accompany me here." Flora told. "You?"

"I bailed." Ruby answered smirking, receiving a dissaproval glare from both her friends.

"That gives off a bad idea about the kind of student you are, Ruby." Musa said.

"It might. It's far from being the wrong idea, though." The two girls chuckled shaking their heads. "So, I'mma spend the rest of the day here. Waiting for the girl to wake up."

"Well, you won't have to wait for long. She's waking up." Flora said happily as the girl grumbled slightly.

"What? So I won't have any excuse to skip?" Ruby complained.

The girl sat up in a flash, startling them. She looked panicked and scared, looking around the room.

"Oh my!" She exclaimed, looking at the palm of her hands. "Four days? It's been four days?" She stood up from the bed and looked at Musa in panic. "Piff. Where's Piff?"

"Who?" Ruby asked as the other two stared at the girl in confusion.

Her legs wobbled and she fell on the bed before passing out again.

"So I will have an excuse to skip then." Ruby said.

"She's nuts." Musa said. "She looks at the palm of her hands to find out which day this is."

"Yep, and she got it right too." Bloom said, appearing at the doorway with Stella.

"Makes sense. Wrinkles tell the unstoppable flow of time. Except for me of course." The blonde said walking towards her friends along with Bloom to surround the girl's bed. "I wonder what her name is."

"We don't know yet." Flora said.

"Yeah, she was too panicked to bother to tell us." Ruby said.

"Is she ok?" Bloom asked.

"She doesn't look so good." Musa answered, looking down at the girl's unmoving body.

"Don't worry young ladies." Nurse Ofelia said, entering the room. "Your friend is just a little pale around the gills."

As soon as she said that, the girl opened her cerulean eyes once again. 

"Look, she's waking up again." Flora announced as the girl slowly sat up.

"Where am I?" She asked, placing a hand on her head.

"You're safe at Alfea school." Musa answered softly.

House of Memories (Book 2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora