The sacrificial lamb

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Male Deity x Virgin Sacrifice

Warnings: Breeding kink

Deep in the woods of Gabringa, there is an old temple. Big, monumental stone pillars covered in sensual artistry led to a huge dome with its heavy marble doors always closed. Nobody dares to get near it unless there is a special occasion. This temple had been built for a deity that had ruled over these lands for thousands of years. Erosian was the deity for fertility, love and lust. Not only did he bring plentiful harvests, but also a good birthrate. The mothers and children nearly all survived and love blossomed in every corner of the land. But at some point, another religion forced its way into our lands and those who refused to follow them were killed or tortured until they converted. Erosian was slowly forgotten. Only a few secretly tried to worship him. But the other religion worshipped a human, not a deity and they couldn't influence our surroundings. Erosian took his blessings away. The births were complicated and many died, the fields dried up and many suffered from broken hearts and their sex drive was nonexistent. The population was close to extinction. At some point there was a huge riot and all the followers of that other religion were exiled and thrown out. Nearly all who lived here returned to worshipping Erosian, but nothing changed. People were desperate at that time and the only thing they could do as a last resort was a sacrifice. They tried it with their last cow or the last bit of harvest, but it was no use. That was until a young woman announced that she'd be the sacrifice. People were aghast that they would have to sacrifice one of their own, but she was certain it was the solution. So, she was bathed and prepared, dressed in the finest cloths we could give. A long procession lead through the woods and ended right in front of the temple grounds. There they spoke a long prayer and officially offered her to our deity. There was a tremor that went through the ground and then the huge marble doors, that always had stayed closed, opened. It was dark in there, but the woman bravely continued on her way. Before the doors closed behind her, she assured everyone that this was the right way. And she was right. Slowly our deity's presence returned. Many feared for the woman. Some even prayed that she'd return safely. Nobody knew what happened to her. But nobody dared to enter the grounds of the deity and anger him.

50 years went by when a loud gong could be heard. People hurried to the temple. There they found a wonderous scene. The woman, now old and wrinkly, was laying on a bier, dressed in a white robe, her hair covered in a flower crown. The temple grounds were decorated with candles and flowers. It was her funeral. People said she looked at utter peace. With her was a message from Erosian. He stated, that she was a good companion to him and that he would accept such sacrifices only. He also stated, that she would be given a high place in the afterlife. The last thing he wrote were conditions for the sacrifices. He would only accept them if they voluntarily came to him. He didn't care about their gender only their age. If they send anyone under 20 years of age, he would punish the lands and their inhabitants. It was also set, that the gong would mean a new sacrifice had to be chosen. If the sacrifice at one point wanted or needed to return to their people, they could, but they could not return to him. Then a new one would have to come. If the sacrifice died in his care, they would receive a funeral and his blessings. Afterwards people were hesitant. As nobody knew what was happening in the temple, many refused to volunteer. But someone always stepped up. In the many hundreds of years since then, only one person ever came back. The woman had to return as she was the only one who could keep her community together. But she never answered any questions people asked her, stating that she had to keep quiet. The only thing she always stated was, that she was well taken care of. "And that is the story of the sacrifices." The high priest happily stated. He was collecting the last things for the ritual. My mother was decorating my hair, while my sister put necklaces and bracelets on me. Both were not as happy as the high priest. My mother was close to tears and my sister looked ready to rip someone's head off. But the priest didn't notice that, to absorbed in the fact that they had found a sacrifice. "High priest, I'd like to have a moment alone with my family." I whisper and look at my mother. "Oh of course. Say your goodbyes and get the last of your earthly belongings taken care of. I'll be waiting outside." He smiled happily and left. "I will rip his head off! How can he be so damn happy?" My sister threw the amulet on the ground and stomped over to a chair. My mother now finally let her tears spill from her eyes. "Oh, my poor baby! Why did you volunteer? You have so much to live for! I can't loose you!" she hugged me tightly, crying into my shoulder. I caressed her head gently and tried to soothe her. "I know I have you lot, but I have nothing else. I have lost it all. My heart was shattered, my engagement broken, my friends abandoned me in my time of need and my work is useless. I know I will have to leave you behind, but this is for the best." I state, that only made her cry more and my sister started soon too. But before they could calm down, the high priest returned, ignored my family entirely and grabbed my hand, dragging me along. The procession started and I was put on a chair and carried to the temple. They had decorated it nicely. Torches lit up the place and flower petals were leading to the temple's doors. I had never been here before. Even though this place was thousands of years old, it was still beautiful and awestriking. I didn't listen to the prayers nor to the things done to me. I was hypnotized. Then suddenly I heard a whisper. A soft yet deep voice was calling me to get inside the temple. I rose from my chair and slowly made my way up the stairs. It didn't even register that the doors are closing until I am surrounded by darkness. But I don't panic. I see a light further away and I walk straight to it. I find myself in a small room filled with a fountain and many comfortable chairs and benches. There sat and elderly woman. She smiles at me and comes my way. "Welcome my dear. Welcome to Erosian's domain. I am Grata, the sacrifice before you." Wait, what? I thought only when the former sacrifice died would a new one be chosen. Grata saw my confusion and offered me a seat. "I find it better this way actually. Erosian is really bad with explanations, so having me here is easier for you. Listen, I have made a request for a new sacrifice as I can not be his companion anymore. I am sick. My body cannot do the duties I have here, but I refused to leave. This is my home. So, I asked Erosian to choose a new one. That way I have enough time to tell you what is awaiting you." I felt so bad for her. My hand found hers and I caressed her skin gently. Grata smiled happily. "Your name is Y/N, right? Good. Let me explain what will be your life from now on. But remember, if you cannot do something or feel you do not belong here, you can leave. Just make sure to tell Erosian beforehand. Now, your main duty lies in being a partner, a friend to our deity. He gets quite lonely sometimes. You also help him with household chores and such and when you got used to living here, you can even join him in his deity duties. But the main part is...well..." she starts fidgeting with her hands. "Erosian is a deity of lust too. There is a ritual you must do before you can access anything but this room in the temple. You must receive him and let him...fill you. Get everything, he got out. Fulfill his needs. And if he needs you, you have to assist him whenever the time comes." My shock had to be evident on my face. I had to sleep with our deity? "Ehm, Grata...I think this is not such a good idea." I state, now fidgeting myself. She leans her head to the side, questioningly. "I have never been..." "Oh! You're a virgin?" I shush her immediately. What would our deity think of me. But Grata just smiled gently. "You do not have to worry my dear. You just have to tell our deity. He does not assume every sacrifice is a master of sex. He will be gentle and make it entirely enjoyable. But if it soothes your worries, I can accompany you to him and let him know. Would you like that?" I agreed immediately. I've never met Erosian. What if he was too good looking? I wouldn't get a word out. So, I took her hand and let her lead me through dark hallways. How could such a holy place be so dark? "It's so dark and empty because you haven't been accepted by the deity yet. After this welcoming ceremony you will finally see the wonders of this place. But do not fret. You will see him in all his glory." After an eternity of winding hallways and empty rooms, we finally stopped in front of a big door. "This is his sanctuary where he sleeps, meditates and... does other things." She smiles, old ring the door. First, I saw nothing but a big bed, but then I spot a figure near it. As I laid eyes upon him, it felt as though time itself had stopped. Before me stood a vision of divine perfection, a being so breathtakingly beautiful that it took my breath away. His features, chiseled yet soft, seemed to glow with an ethereal light, casting a spell that left me utterly entranced.

Smut BookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora