Hunter and Hunted

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Wolf x Half Fae

Warnings: Breeding, Preyplay, Dirtytalk

Ever since the monsters had resurfaced a few years ago, the world had changed. All the creatures of fairytales, legends and horror stories suddenly roamed the earth. It was even stranger to find out, that they had always been there. All those monsters lived amongst us, hidden in the shadows, the safety of the night or right beside us. But most of us humans were open. The monsters were greeted with open arms and immediately treaties and laws were formulated, so everyone was included, and the balance saved. We have lived with them in peace for years now as everybody got used to the horned man working at the coffee shop or the green orc woman working her farm. But still they were different. And if you wanted to live near them, you needed to research a lot about the species. The home associations in these areas always quizzed the new arrivals, to see if they were prepared, so everybody could live in peace.

My mother had been pregnant with me when the monsters showed themselves. She had also found out, that my father was a fae. Through the hormones she got so angry at him, that he was nearly murdered by a frying pan and the broom. But my mother loved my father dearly and fell in love with his true nature and looks. When I was born, I was a normal child. My father had hoped for a fae or a halfling, but he cherished me, nonetheless. I grew up in a home filled with love and laughter, magic, and glimmer, as well as knowing, that there were other creatures out there. In Highschool I accidentally filled the school with glimmer after falling down the stairs and that way I found out that I was half fae. I did not have pointy ears nor a true form, I also could lie, but I had tons of magic. My father had told me proudly, that I had the greatest power ever since the ancient times. He taught me all I needed, and mom prepared me for the human part of the world. I soon got into college, got my degree, and got a position at a prestigious company. It was inclusive, humans and monsters working together. My position was the personal secretary for the CEO. I was interviewed by the former one holding that position. She was a satyr with the Most adorable nose and rocking a baby bump. „I would've loved to keep the position. Very good pay and a boss you nearly never see. It's quite pleasant. But oh well, my husband got a better job offer and we need good money for my little ones. So, moving it is. Don't worry too much. Mr. Collins is a good man." and she was right. It was a pleasant job and only 5 months later I first met my boss. To my surprise he was a wolf. He was so tall, nearly 2 heads more than me. „Hello, miss L/N, the name is Damien Collins. Nice to meet you." the man smiled at me. His yellow eyes reminded me of sunflowers. I liked them. His fur was puffy, like he just blow-dried it. And it was so soft too. When I shook his hand, I felt it. But he was also Kind and considerate. And so sarcastic! He had a lot of fun being that with me. But then there came the attraction. The whole thing started at the get together at Christmas. I wore a knitted sweater my mom had made me. Damien, who was always wearing a suit now stood in front of us in a knitted sweater too and laughing about the Santa's hat he had been given. He looked so hot. My thoughts had wandered to the patch of hair that was visible beneath the shirt. What would he look like without it? what would he look like entirely naked? Those thoughts followed me through the evening and at home I couldn't stop myself to watch some wolf porn. They were bigger down there, but the size made me even hornier. The more time I spent with my boss, the more my crush grew. I noticed his natural scent of wood and musk that wafted over as soon as I stood beside him. Also, his every action made me think of something naughty. He licked his lips and I wondered how it would feel between my legs. His muscles pressing against the fabric of his suit, and I thought of how strong he was and how he could fuck into me, easily holding me up. And those claws. He could rip me to peace's, yet I knew he could light sparks on my body. But this job was great. I couldn't get fired for swooning over my boss. But keeping away was getting harder the more I tried. Especially when he came looking for me, any time I tried to distance myself. He worried that he did something wrong or said something. And it was hard to tell him that he is not at fault. His ears laid against his head and his puppy eyes sparkling, I couldn't stay away. So, I allowed myself to supply flirt with him. Glances, swaying my butt in front of him, eyelashes fluttering or bending over suddenly. I knew he was looking, and I loved his attention. But he never made the real first step. He never said something first or touched me. By the time I realized this, I was yearning for him and now I wouldn't let him get away. So, in the following days, I really went for it, open the blouse, short skirts, bending over, falling into him, showing my cleavage, and whispering into his ears. He was breaking slowly. A bit of glimmer held my scent strong and made it longer in his office and I knew he could smell my arousal. Every time I came by, I could see the bulge in his pants growing until he refused to even stand up. I had him! I leaned over the desk, letting my arousal carry to him and he growled. „This is not good. You need to get out of here!" „Why should I? Am I not to your liking, sir?" he growled deeply and grabbed my wrists. „I am close to my rut. I can't control anything if I am like that. I become a wolf and I take what I want. You don't want that." his yellow eyes gleamed with arousal and danger alike. Maybe I should've said no then, but I didn't. I leaned forward and softly kissed his nose. „I'm not afraid of the big bad wolf." the table flew to the side as Mr. Collins grabbed me and pressed me against the wall. His mussel rubbed against my throat. The hairs there made my skin prickle. „You want the wolf, you get him. Tomorrow, 10pm at the woodstoke forest." he let me down and vanished through the door. My knees buckled and I slid to the floor. My pussy was gushing with arousal. That was so hot, and I couldn't wait for tomorrow. I should've known that it wouldn't be an exhibitionistic casual fuck in the forest, but my horny mind didn't think straight.

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