Don't cry over spilled milk

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Monster x human

Warnings: dirtytalk, breeding, consent-nonconsent

When Branda, the old lady next door, had given me her friend's daughter's phone number, I didn't expect to end up here. "Good morning, everybody and welcome to our little facility. I hope after the introductions and the first test run, we'll see you all more often." The big orc woman smiled at the small crowd in front of her. As soon as I had closed the door, I had called the number. The voice on the other end sounded female, so I prayed it was the friend's daughter and told her my situation. "Hello, my name is Y/N L/N. Ehm, Branda Smith is my neighbor. She gave me your number and advised me to call you. I'm looking for a job and am terribly desperate. I need the money..." she laughed softly and promised me that she might just have something for me, but that I needed thick skin, because this was no ordinary job. I should just come to Pinsborough and rent a hotel room. So, I did. I packed enough clothes for 2 weeks and got in the car. If I got the job, I would need to find a place to rent here. And then I arrived and met the friend's daughter Amelie. She was already over her forties and had a few grey hairs, but she had an air around her, that made you feel comfortable. She told me to meet her at her workplace. I was so surprised to end up on a parking lot in front of huge barns. And all these people were trying to get in. Somewhere in the back were horses and cows and I heard sheep as well. What the hell was going on. Amelie waited in front of the huge wooden doors. She greeted me and just pulled me inside. My eyes nearly popped out of my head. Inside the barn were white tiled walls and floors, soft music played, and you were greeted by an enormous register desk with 3 employees trying to work through the lines. I couldn't believe my eyes and also because of the different species here. I saw the horns of a minotaur in the back and saw one centaur talking on the phone. Orcs sat to the side, werewolves lined the side to get a snack and some humans were filling out forms. What was this place. "Oh, there she is. Come along now. The interviewing processes are about to start." She pulled me to a bigger group of people and wished me luck. Then she greeted the tall orc woman and left. I got the sudden feeling that I had made a mistake, but before I could leave the orc woman started speaking and greeted us. "Alright everybody. This may be an interviewing process, but it will be very different. But first, let us get out of the lobby." She led us through the building and ended up in a cinema hall. We sat down and she went to the front, to the laptop. "Now, does someone here not know what this establishment is?" I shyly raised my hand. Luckily, I wasn't the only one. The orc woman smiled and started to explain. "This establishment is lovingly called 'the farm'. We are one of only 2 institutes of our kind. The other one is somewhere in Europe. As it is on another continent, we are not allowed to tell you, where exactly it is located, sorry. Now, what do we do here? You are in luck! One of our clients has agreed to take part in this process. You will now watch a milking." The screen was not meant for a movie. It was a window. We looked into a big room, which resembled a doctor's office. Everything was clinically clean and sparkling. Now I was wondering why there was a small platform nearly in the middle. And on the edge, there was somewhat of a metal backrest with cushions and a hole in the middle. What was that for? Before my curiosity could get me to ask, the door to the side opened and a centaur and a fae woman came in. She was wearing an overcoat in white, gloves and a facemask. If it weren't for the ears and the shimmer around her, I wouldn't have known she was even a fae. "This is one of our clients and an employee. This is your uniform for your day. You change the uniform thrice a day and when an accident happens. Now you'll see the process of milking." While she explained further, the centaur had ridden himself of his cloth covering his member. He went for the platform and waited. The fae had put a huge jar onto a table and put a pump on top. Then she hurried over to the platform and pushed a few buttons. The metal construction rose. With a jolt he jumped upwards and put his front legs on top of the construction. I blushed as I saw his big member coming through the hole. The employee put lube on her hands and started to massage his cock. The centaur huffed and sighed. "Here it is vital to bring a fast collection because the more clients you have, the more product we'll have. And with that, you can get even higher paygrades and if you do a good job, most clients leave great tips." It didn't take long before the centaur's hooves shuffled over the floor and his hips bucked. As his head fell back, the fae pulled a nozzle over his cock head and pushed a button. White cum flooded the tube and flowed over to the big jar. The employee wiped off the lube and hurried to finish up. The centaur put on his cloth and left the room quietly. The window turned dark, and we all looked to the female orc. I still had so many questions and she knew. "Now you've seen what your job would be if you apply for a position. For the question why we do this, well, the bodily fluids of males of many different species have all great value for the pharmacy. For example, there is a special hormone in minotaur's bodily fluid, that is used in Viagra and the likes. All jars are labeled and sent off to companies that will use them for medicine and such. Now, people, we'll go to one of those offices." We quietly followed her to the room and waited curiously for her to speak again. She put on some gloves and started to lead us around the room. "Right, so this will be your workplace. But don't misunderstand, we have hundreds of rooms in this building alone. As the room needs to be cleaned after every client, you'll just move clockwise to the next. That way, the cleaning crews have enough time to do their jobs. This here is the milking box as we jokingly say. This is thick steal. It can hold up to a ton of weight. With these buttons you change the height for the clients. The nozzle is for the collection process, but sometimes clients get caught up in this and try to have more time. If you notice this, you can use the nozzle to speed up. Look here." She showed the pump head to us. Through the see-through material you could see nobs and ridges. She pushed a button and the nobs and ridges started to move and pulse. So, it worked like a flashlight as well. Then she showed us the jars in different sizes and how the after works worked. My head was already spinning. This was so weird. The female orc led us to a few other rooms, all interesting. Then we ended in the lobby. "Everybody, this was the tour. Now I know, this is not a job for everyone. Those who do not wish to continue, over there is a little present as thank you for your time. Those who want to stay, please go to the chairs over there. And remember, you signed a contract to never speak of anything you saw. If you do, you will be sued." Half of them went for the presents and hurried out of the doors. Nearly everyone left went for the chairs. Only 2 women and I stood in front of the orc woman. I was nervous. Maybe I should just leave. This was too strange, right? But Amelie said it was something good, with good money and I needed it badly. With a sigh I sat down. It didn't take long for us to be called in separately. I was one of the last ones. The orc woman smiled at me and asked me how I viewed the tour. I blushed and told her it was strange. "A lot of people think this is sex work. If you just look at it, we jack off males, but when you do it, it doesn't feel that way. Because of the procedures and routine, you have to do before you even get to the box, it feels normal." I wasn't a virgin. And I was small enough so that those on the platform wouldn't really see me. "Would you like to know what you'll get as pay?" I nodded. She pulled out a sheet and started to ask me for my age, education, and financial situation. I nearly fainted when she showed me the results of her calculation. "That much money? Every day?" "Yes, plus the tips you'll be getting when your training is finished." Fuck the jacking off. For that much money I would do anything.

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